Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 336 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 2

Chapter 336 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 2
Cultivation world, Xianshan.

Surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round, the scenery is so beautiful that you can see the strange peaks and mountains from a distance, and the beautiful bells and bells from a close look.

There is only one mountain gate leading to the fairy mountain, and there are monks guarding it all year round.

If you are not a disciple of the Xianshan sect, or do not hold the Xianshan order issued by Sikoudian, you will definitely not be able to enter this mountain gate.

Only by holding the Immortal Mountain Order issued by Sikoudian can the barrier of the mountain gate be opened, and only then can one freely enter and exit the Immortal Mountain.

Xianshan is not a fairyland.

It is just a certain mysterious area hidden in the mountains of Huatian Empire.

The Nalan family that Nalan Yan belongs to, as well as the Bai family of the cultivation family mentioned before, are both in this hidden world area.

However, the world of comprehension is also divided into grades and grades.

The Bai family is only a low-class family in the cultivation world, while the Nalan family is a high-class family.

There are really not many people in the secular world who know their existence.

The cultivators of this world are not extinct either.

However, due to too much pollution in the secular world, not only is there no aura for cultivation, but also the air is full of harmful gases to the human body. Therefore, all of their cultivation families live in seclusion in the cultivation world, and rarely come out to walk in the secular world.

What they breathe in the realm of comprehension is fresh air with spiritual energy, what they eat is spiritual food, spiritual meat, and with cultivation, their life expectancy is much longer than ordinary people, with an average life expectancy of more than 200 years, not to mention those with advanced cultivation old monster.

As mentioned in the previous article, compared with the era when comprehension prevailed thousands of years ago, the current comprehension world is in decline, and there are not many old monsters with advanced cultivation bases.

People in the secular world will look up to those in the realm of comprehension, eager to enter the realm of comprehension.

But people in the comprehension world are not looking up to those who live on the fairy mountain.

Sikou Palace is also the most top existence in the fairy mountain.

Perhaps, only when a person reaches that level of realm, will he discover that this world is not only an endless sea of ​​stars, but also countless mysterious places, which are far larger than what we see now.

Only when you stand at the peak of that world, you will find that there are better scenery ahead, higher mountains ahead, and more exciting and beautiful worlds waiting for you to develop.

Whether it is Ning Zigui who has successfully entered the life of the fairy mountain, or Nalan Yan and Nalan Rong who are newcomers, when they stand at the foot of the fairy mountain and look up at this towering, sacred and unattainable When I visited the holy mountain, I felt a sense of pride and ambition to enter it and conquer it.

Just as they were daydreaming, there were bursts of "dang, clang, clang" in the sky.

When everyone heard the sound, their eyes instinctively raised to look at the source of the sound.

I saw a very luxurious, very stylish, and very elegant flying car floating in the sky.

The few monks guarding the mountain gate exclaimed, "Oh, it's the flying car of the palace master, the palace master is back! The palace master is back!"

"Hurry up, send a letter to the mountain! Tell them that the palace master is back!"

"Yes! I'll send it right away!"

The moment the curtain of the flying car flew up, Na Lanyan saw a stunning handsome face that she would never forget.

A glimpse of it will never be forgotten until death.

He is the most sacred and legendary existence on the fairy mountain - Si Kou Yu, the master of the Si Kou Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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