Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 337 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 3

Chapter 337 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 3
On X, 11, XX, the sky was fine.

It rained from morning to night yesterday. Fortunately, we finally arrived at our destination, which is the holy place that everyone in the cultivation world longs for——Sikou Hall.

The master of Si Kou Hall is called Si Kou Yu.

There are many, many legends about him.

It was rumored that he was as ugly as a ghost and his heart was like a devil.

But there are also people who say that he has a beautiful face and a heart like a bodhisattva.

He acts as he pleases, his temperament is both good and evil, and he only acts according to his likes and dislikes.

No matter what outsiders say about him, he still goes his own way.

No matter what outsiders say about him, the halls under his Sikou Palace will always worship him so much and will always surrender willingly.

I heard that there are many, many cultivation methods in the Sikou Temple, as well as many, many magic weapons, pills, spirit stones, and the best immortal cultivation cave.

As long as you have the ability, you can get everything here.

This is also the biggest reason why so many cultivators flock to Si Kou Dian.

The air speeder they saw yesterday, according to Zigui, is the exclusive air speeder of Si Kou Yu, the master of Si Kou Palace, the only one.

I heard that the flying car is still a semi-immortal weapon. Others just want to imitate his car, and they don't have such refining materials, let alone such perverted cultivation, to refine a semi-immortal weapon.

Si Kou Yu, when we first met, he left a very deep impression on me.

Like many men and women, I feel admiration for this lofty Hall Master.

Of course, I just worship him as an omnipotent powerhouse, not like him.

This kind of feeling of worshiping him is different from my love for Zigui.

Even Zigui, when he talked about Si Kou Yu, his eyes sparkled and he admired him very much.

Nalan Rong and I, with our admiration for Si Kou Dian and personal admiration for Si Kou Yu, under the guidance of Zi Gui, after passing the spiritual root test, finally successfully entered the gate of Si Kou Dian and became the official of Si Kou Dian. one of them.

We were all very happy, Ziguihui invited us to have a big meal at the food court in Xianshan, and he joked with a heartache that this meal had exhausted all the spirit stones he had managed to save.

At the end, he added another sentence in my ear, "However, as long as my Yan'er is happy."

I listened and felt very sweet in my heart.

I accidentally raised my head, but saw Nalan Rong looking at me resentfully.

When she saw me looking at her, she gave me a provocative sneer.

This vicious woman always shows her sharp fangs at me. I don't know when I will be bitten by her?
However, after fighting for so many years, I will not be afraid of her. If she wants me to die, it depends on whether she has the ability!

On X, 18, XX, the sky was fine.

It's been a week since we arrived at Sikou Hall, and Zigui doesn't know what he's busy with. He hasn't come here since he settled us down. I'm very worried about him.

On X, 19, XX, the sky was fine.

Today I heard from Sister Ziyun that Nalan Rong seemed to have hooked up with the pharmacy steward of Si Kou Dian, and saw them go to Houshan in an affectionate manner.

I listened, but it wasn't surprising at all.

For a woman like Nalan Rong, if she is in peace, I will feel strange.

I think it's normal if she hooks up with the pharmacy steward to climb up the ladder, and that's what she, Nalan Rong, would do.

I'll just wait and see the good show, when will their scandals be exposed?

(End of this chapter)

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