Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 338 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 4

Chapter 338 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 4
On X, 20, XX, the sky was fine.

Today I was very lucky. I was transferred to the main hall of the Sikou Palace. Although I was only a disciple in charge of cleaning, I heard that the welfare of the main hall is double that of other places, and the hall master will give rewards from time to time.

When Sister Ziyun and I received the transfer order, we were very happy, and we were so happy to hug each other.

But Nalan Rong's expression was extremely angry.

On X, 23, XX, the sky was overcast.

It's been three days since I've been here in the main hall, but I still haven't seen that beautiful Lord Lord.

What makes me happy is that today, Zigui finally appeared.

I scolded him, saying that he didn't hear from him and didn't believe me, which made me worry to death.

Zigui explained: It was his elder brother who asked him to go out on a mission in a hurry, and left before he could tell her.

No, he went to see me first when he came back, and only then did he know that I was transferred to the main hall.

Zi Guihui congratulated me, and joked at me, saying that after entering the main hall, I will have a bright future, if there is a chance to become an immortal, remember to take him to fly with him.

I was amused by him...

Just when we were both laughing together, we suddenly heard a light cough.

We were startled, and looked up, only to find that our lord of the hall, who has the posture of a heavenly man, is standing there facing the wind like a jade tree, like a touch of the most beautiful scenery, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye, but also uncomfortable. Dare to give birth to the slightest disrespect to him.

The two of us quickly saluted him, but he ignored us and disappeared in a flash.

What a strange man!

On X, 25, XX, the sky was fine.

Today I heard another strange thing from sister Ziyun. She said that Qingluan, the female steward of the main hall, loves our beautiful hall master very much.

He also said that this female steward, Qingluan, is very perverted, and whenever the master of the palace looks at any female cultivator more than once, the female steward will think of ways to torture that female cultivator until she can't get along.

After sister Ziyun finished speaking, she also said that I was good-looking, so let me be more vigilant, and be careful not to let the steward get caught.

On X, 26, XX, the sky was fine.

I don’t know if Sister Ziyun is Crow’s Mouth, she just finished talking about the female steward yesterday, and I was caught by her today, she made me angry for no reason, and punished me to water the entire back garden flowers.

On X, 30, XX, the sky was fine.

This day is a big day for the entire Si Kou Hall, and the birthday of the Hall Master Si Kou Yu is here.

At the dinner party, the steward asked me to deliver wine to the lord Si Kou Yu.

I really didn't expect that the wine she asked me to give had ingredients added.

But for a man as powerful as the Palace Master, how could he fall into such a lowly trick?
As for me, I became a scapegoat for the stewardess, and was severely punished by the hall master——punished me to become his close maid and enjoy first-class treatment.


Lord Hall Master is so cute, too black-bellied!

When I thought of the distorted and distorted face of the female steward Qingluan when the Lord Palace Master made this decision, I was really, really really relieved!
Our Lord Hall Master is really wise and wise. My admiration for him has risen to another level invisibly.

On X, 1, XX, the sky was fine.

It's been a month, and when I was at work today, sister Ziyun told me the great news that Qingluan had been transferred away, and I heard that he was transferred to a very desolate place.

I just said, she deserved it, who told her to attack our palace master!
 PS: Thank you Xing Xinran's mother, with a smile on her head, I am light and safe, and the youth is easy to pass, read 〆, I have dimples and don't drink for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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