Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 340 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 6

Chapter 340 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 6
Caixi, the eldest girl in my mother's room, secretly told me that my father had mentioned to my mother that my aunt should be his wife, but my mother disagreed, and had a big fight with my father, saying that unless she died, that woman would never be allowed. superior.

The father shook his sleeves angrily and left.

An hour after the two quarreled, the father came over with mother's medicine bowl and apologized. He said it nicely, just to coax mother to take the medicine.

After the mother finished taking the medicine, she began to vomit blood, and when the doctor arrived, the mother was already out of breath.

After listening to Caixi's words, I was angry and hated. I wished I could chop them up with a knife.

The father must have coveted the Yangxin Pill. Not only did he not give the Yangxin Pill to the mother, but he also gave the mother poison?
In order to confirm Caixi's words, I secretly went to see my mother's body, and found that she died of poisoning.

At that moment, it really felt like a bolt from the blue.

My beast father, why is he so ruthless?His mother is his first wife! ! !
However, no matter how much I hate now, I can't beat them. I can only keep this hatred of killing my mother in my heart and endure it. When I come back from my studies one day, I must kill this pair of dogs and give it to my mother. revenge……

On X, 12, XX, the sky was fine.

It has been a week since we sent our mother to the grave, and another month has passed. Zigui and I have also embarked on the road back to Xianshan.

During this time, fortunately, Zigui was by my side all the time, so I could hold on and not fall down.

I thought that after my mother passed away and that woman succeeded in ascending the throne, this matter should be over.

But I underestimated the viciousness of the mother and daughter.

They actually sent dozens of masters to ambush me and Zigui on our way back to Xianshan.

My favorite Zigui was brutally killed by them in order to protect me!

When Zi Guiyi died, my heart also died.

I don't want to resist anymore, so let me die, and I will accompany Zigui to cross the underworld together!
I felt the sharp sword piercing my body, and in front of my eyes was the figure of Zigui waving to me.

With a relieved smile, I stretched out my hand to Zigui...

The moment I closed my eyes, I suddenly heard a thunderous roar from my ear, "Nalanyan, you are not allowed to die without my permission! Do you hear me? You are not allowed to die! You are not allowed to die!" Die! Don’t die!!!”

Did I hear you right?This is the voice of the Palace Master!
The palace lord always speaks calmly, how could he ever be so furious?
I can't figure it out, people fainted...

After lying in bed for ten days, my injury was fully healed.

During this time, the Hall Master came to see me every day, and he didn't talk to me. Every time he came, he would just sit quietly, read a book, or draw a picture.

I can't figure out what kind of feelings he has for me, I just feel uneasy and uneasy.

Zigui's death is a knot in my heart.

I felt extremely guilty for not dying with him, and felt as if I was living alone.

In this world, there is no one I can miss anymore, so what's the point of my being alive?
On X, 15, XX, the sky was fine.

That night, Xiaoxin, the servant of the hall master, rushed over to me in a hurry, saying that the hall master suddenly seemed like a madman, and asked me to go and see if he could find a way to save him?
As soon as I heard that something happened to the Hall Master, my brain exploded, and I quickly followed Xiaoxin towards the Hall Master's bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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