Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 341 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 7

Chapter 341 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 7
When I saw the master of the palace, who was always like a celestial being, with his black hair loose like a lunatic, holding his head in his hands, he kept rolling around on the ground, and let out a suppressed moan from his mouth. When I screamed, I was both shocked and inexplicably distressed.

I asked Xiaoxin in a trembling voice, "What's wrong with the Palace Master?"

Xiao Xin shook his head, and said with a look of panic, "I don't know what's going on, the Palace Master has never been like this, Miss Yan'er, what should I do? What should I do now?"

Seeing Xiaoxin's anxious appearance, I am also anxious, but how do I know what to do?If only I were a fairy.

Seeing that I was also worried about the Hall Master, Xiaoxin cautiously asked me tentatively, "Sister Yan'er, I think the Hall Master treats you well at ordinary times, otherwise, you can go up and see if you can comfort the Hall Master? If you can It would be great if the Palace Master calm down, Miss Yan'er, I beg you, okay? Miss Yan'er, Miss Yan'er..."

I was thinking, just because the lord of the temple is so kind to me, and his kindness to my life, I can't just ignore death!

Even if Xiaoxin doesn't ask me, I still want to go forward and give it a try.

I nodded to Xiaoxin, and walked towards Lord Hall Master.

The master of the hall seemed to sense someone walking towards him, and suddenly raised his eyes.

I saw that the dark eyes of Lord Palace Master at that time had now turned blood red, filled with violence and madness, and I was even more worried about him.

His eyes were blood red. When he looked at me, it was like a beast seeing delicious food.

I was so scared that my heart was beating wildly.

I stopped, hesitated for a while, and finally, continued to move forward, step by step, and walked towards him.

In the end, I'm still heartbroken.

I couldn't bear to watch such a man who was like a celestial man suffer such a crime in front of me.

If I can really restore him to his original appearance, I will do anything.

I thought, I must have been possessed by a demon, like thousands of others in the palace, they were all poisoned by the palace master!
As soon as I got close to the hall master, he suddenly opened his hands and rushed towards me.

I closed my eyes, and with a sacrificial devotion, I dedicated my cleanest body to the Hall Master.

The frenzy of that day filled my brain.

When I woke up and saw the sleeping Palace Master lying next to me, I was relieved.

He seems to be recovering, and my sanity has returned to the cage again.

I suddenly thought of Zigui who died for me, and I couldn't help but shed tears.

I'm really sorry Zigui!
Not long after he died for me, I actually did something like this with the Palace Master...

I wiped away my tears, got up quietly, and told Xiaoxin, who had been guarding the door, that I wanted to go back and rest.

Xiaoxin understood very well and said many good things, but I didn't listen to them.

After I went back to the house, I wrote a letter to the hall master, saying that I was sorry for Zigui, and I couldn't face him anymore, so I left, don't come to me again, and let me live alone quietly.

I think the Hall Master will understand me.

After packing up a few pieces of clothes at will, I walked out of Xianshan Mountain.

After leaving the gate of Xianshan, I realized that my family was no longer a family, and I had nowhere to go.

Just when I was at a loss, the killer sent by the vicious mother and daughter arrived again!

I looked at this group of black-clothed killers, and thought of dying with them.


(End of this chapter)

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