Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 342 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 8

Chapter 342 The Mystery of Green Onion’s Life Experience 8
On December 12, XX, the sky was fine.

That day, I was severely injured by the black-clothed killer, and in the end I was forced to jump off the cliff in order to avoid humiliation.

I thought that I could finally reunite with my mother and Zigui.

But I didn't expect that God would not let me die, but let me live.

When I woke up, I found that I was saved by a man.

He said that his name is Shen Daqiang, and he is a soldier who came here to perform a mission. He found me seriously injured at the bottom of the cliff, and when he saw that I was still alive, he rescued me.

When I woke up, a whole week had passed since the day I was hunted down.

After Shen Daqiang's explanation, I realized that I have left the cultivation world and entered the secular world.

A cliff, a cliff, is a completely different world.

In the following days, I also lived in a muddle, without knowing the time.

But I don't want to live, I really have nothing to love, I want to die, I want to go down to accompany my mother and Zigui.

That Shen Daqiang is very enthusiastic about me, I can feel that he likes me, when he looks at me, his eyes are full of tenderness and affection, and he is also very considerate to me, seeing me on a hunger strike, he keeps persuading me, saying a lot People cry more than I do, live more tired than me, they are still living strong, what reason do I have to die?

In order to convince me, he also found a lot of information about the suffering people in the secular world, those who gnawed on tree bark to survive, those who sold their sons and daughters, and those who picked up food from garbage dumps...

My heart is touched.

It is not easy to reincarnate once. If I want to commit suicide, I will be punished when I go to the Hall of Yama. Since God will not let me die, I should cherish life.

Shen Daqiang was very happy to see that I was willing to eat, and his mission had been completed and he was going back to the army.

He asked me, if you have nowhere to go, would you... come with me?

I told him, something happened in my family, someone was going to hunt me down, and he might be hurt, are you afraid?
He looked at me and replied affectionately, he was not afraid!Even if he wanted to die for me, he was willing without hesitation.

I said to him again, even if I follow you, I don't guarantee that I will fall in love with you.

He replied again, it doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to go with me, no matter what you want to do in the future, I will respect you, but I will do everything I can to keep you.If I try my best and you still don't want to stay, then I will respect your wishes!

I was very moved when I heard it, and I really felt the sincerity of this man.

In this way, he brought me back to his army, rented a house outside, and let me live there temporarily.

When we were in the world of comprehension, we women still maintained our traditional habits. Apart from cultivating the family's mentality, we also practiced piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and female celebrities, etc.

When I arrived in this secular world, I realized that I seemed to have no skills, and I didn't know what to do?
Shen Daqiang said to me, I don't have to work, he can support me!I just need to cook for him every day, and then take care of the children.

He also deliberately comforted me by saying that he likes a good wife and mother who stay at home, and doesn’t like strong women, and said that a weak woman like me should be raised at home.

Just when I was feeling terrified, another thing happened that shocked me, made me feel sad, wanted to cry, and wanted to laugh at the same time.

I found out, I'm pregnant!

(End of this chapter)

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