Chapter 355 Flattered
Xiao Chifeng introduced the following staff to Shen Qingcong, "This is the butler Xu Bo."

Xu Bo was a tall, thin man, about fifty years old, with an ordinary appearance, except for a pair of sharp eyes, he looked like a shrewd and capable person.

But he was very respectful in front of Shen Qingcong. After hearing Xiao Chifeng's introduction to him, he respectfully stepped forward and saluted, "Xu Ao has met Young Madam."

Those who work in Xiao's family usually call Grandma Xiao "Old Madam";

Shen Qingcong smiled at Uncle Xu, and said gently, "Uncle Xu, you don't need to be too polite, this is a health-preserving pill, a little care of mine."

Uncle Xu didn't dare to answer, and raised his eyes to look at Xiao Chifeng.

Xiao Chifeng smiled at him, "Uncle Xu, since it's the young lady's wish, you can take it! After taking this health-preserving pill, the dark wounds left on your body may heal."

Uncle Xu was startled, "Really?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong, who was quietly smiling beside him, and said to Uncle Xu with a little pride, "Of course it is true! Your young lady is not an ordinary person. She comes from a family of immortal cultivators. These panacea are all from her family. If it comes out, it will definitely not be sold outside, and it is hard to find a grain of ten thousand gold."

When Uncle Xu heard this, he was flattered and said with a smile, "If you give me such a good thing to eat, isn't that a waste of a good thing? Young Master and Young Madam, you should keep it for your own use."

Xiao Chifeng waved his hand, "Since the young lady rewarded you, you can take it, stop talking nonsense, and stand aside."

Seeing Xiao Chifeng's face sinking, Uncle Xu quickly stood aside, secretly happy, and also praised the young lady a few times.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chifeng pointed to another woman and introduced to Shen Qingcong, "This is Mama Sun. She is Uncle Xu's wife and is in charge of cooking."

Mama Sun's appearance is very kind, that kind of doughy, smiling face.

She also stepped forward respectfully and bowed to Shen Qingcong, "Young Madam, my name is Sun Xiaoping. In the future, if you have anything to do, Young Madam, just tell us, and we will try our best to do it well."

"Okay, thank you grandma, this is for you, and it is also a health-preserving pill."

Shen Qingcong also gave Sun Ma a health pill.

Sun Ma also stretched out her hand to accept it with a flattered face, thanked him non-stop, and then retreated to stand beside Xu Bo.

Xiao Chifeng pointed to a middle-aged man in his 30s and introduced, "This is Xu Zilin, the son of Uncle Xu."

Xu Zilin stepped forward, smiled honestly at Shen Qingcong, "Young Madam, I am Xu Zilin."

"Brother Xu, hello! This is a gift for you."

The gift Shen Qingcong gave him was the refined Herb Almond juice, which was very suitable for a middle-aged man like him.

Xiao Chifeng pointed to a 27-year-old woman and introduced, "This is Ye Liu, who is in charge of cleaning the house and is Uncle Xu's daughter-in-law."

Ye Liu looks very ordinary, but her skin is quite fair. When she looks at people, she also looks shy. She looks very timid, but her eyes are very clean.

She also stepped forward to salute, and Shen Qingcong also gave her a bottle of refined life fruit juice as a gift.

In the end, a child about five years old also stepped forward like an adult, bowed to her, and introduced herself to Shen Qingcong in a childlike voice, "Hi, young lady, I am Xu Jinlai, I am five years old, I like to draw, sing, dance, and play the harmonica."

(End of this chapter)

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