Chapter 356
Shen Qingcong saw that he had a thick head and a thick head, and he was so lively and cute, with a pair of bright eyes still blinking there, looking at him was very cute, very funny, very interesting, he looked like a little witty ghost, She couldn't help but be amused by him.

Shen Qingcong deliberately teased him, "Oh, Xiao Jinlai is so amazing! Then tell Auntie, what songs do you know? Sing one for Auntie, okay?"

Xiao Jinlai said proudly, "I can sing many songs, like little donkey, two tigers, three monks, and only mother in the world..."

Xu Zilin still doesn't know what kind of person the Young Madam is. He was afraid that his son would offend the Young Madam if he talked too much, so he hurried forward and pulled him, "Shut up!"

Shen Qingcong smiled and waved at him, "Brother Xu, leave him alone, Xiao Jinlai is so cute, just give him a chance to show off."

Seeing that the young lady had said so, Xu Zilin patted his son's head, signaling him to cheer up.

Shen Qingcong took out a telescope from the space, and beckoned to Xiao Jinlai kindly, "Come here, Xiao Jin, come here, take a look, this is a telescope, as long as you sing well, Auntie will give you this telescope, why not?" Sample?"

Xiao Jin came to look at the obviously domineering and high-end telescope, his eyes lit up, he immediately puffed up his small chest, and replied loudly and crisply, "Okay! Young Madam, you must keep your word!"

Shen Qingcong suppressed a smile and said, "Of course."

Xiao Jinlai coughed lightly and cleared his throat. Without any timidity, he said generously to everyone, "Next, I will present a song for you all. The name of the song is called Little Donkey. Please enjoy it!"

After the little guy finished speaking solemnly, he posed again, and then began to sing at the top of his voice, "I have a little donkey, and I never ride it. One day I had a whim, and I rode it to the market. Holding a small leather whip, I was feeling very proud, but for some reason, I fell into the mud..."

He sang and danced at the same time, vividly expressing the process of a little guy riding a little donkey to the market, swinging his whip, and falling off again.

By the time he finished performing hard, Shen Qingcong had already burst into tears from laughing.

She clapped vigorously for Xiao Jinlai, "Oh, Xiao Jinlai, you are really great! Come here, quickly take this telescope over, and the young lady will reward you with it!"

Xiao Jin came to finish singing, and was wondering if he was singing well, when he heard the young lady's praise for him, his little face suddenly showed a bright smile, he stepped forward with his short legs, and walked towards the young lady. The lady ran over there.

He carefully took the binoculars that Shen Qingcong handed him, and solemnly thanked Shen Qingcong, "Young Madam, thank you, thank you, I will remember your kindness to me, don't worry, I will also be kind to you." Hello, hehehe..."

After speaking, he turned around shyly and ran back to his parents, holding the binoculars tightly in his hand, grinning silly at Shen Qingcong.

Shen Qingcong's heart was melted by this clever child.

Looking at the little clever Xu Jinlai, Shen Qingcong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't she about to cultivate a group of talents!

This Xiaojin looks like a clever child, sensible, and polite. Their family works in Xiao's family. Instead of cultivating strangers, it is better to cultivate their own people around them. The loyalty of their family will definitely increase. higher.

I wonder if the Xu family is reluctant to hand over Xiao Jin to her for training?

(End of this chapter)

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