Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 358 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 1

Chapter 358 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 1
After Uncle Xu went down, he told his wife and son-in-law about the good news Shen Qingcong said.

They were also very happy when they heard it, and they all felt that Xiao Jinlai was so lucky to be favored and cultivated by the young lady, because their Xu family burned high incense.

At around ten o'clock, Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, President Xiao, and Mrs. Xiao, escorted by many royal guards, came to the small residence of the Wangfu.

Xiao Chifeng, who had been notified a long time ago, took Shen Qingcong by the hand, and stood at the gate together, waiting for the elders at home to come.

Shen Qingcong was still a little nervous, holding Xiao Chifeng's hand, sweating slightly.

It's not that she has to marry Xiao Chifeng, it's just that since she has confirmed him, she doesn't want their marriage to have any further twists and turns.

Because of Mrs. Xiao, so many things have happened before, and she was disgusted by Mrs. Xiao at that time, so she naturally felt uncomfortable.

Now Mrs. Xiao accepted her because of her change of status.

Shen Qingcong also sincerely hoped that Mrs. Xiao could always accept her, even if she had to pay some treasures like Zhuyan Dan as a price, Shen Qingcong also felt that it was worth it.

Just like what some local tyrants often say, problems that can be solved with money are not problems!

Shen Qingcong felt that now that she was sitting on a net worth of 300 to [-] billion and possessed so many resources that no one else had, she naturally had the confidence to say this.

The mighty presidential motorcade finally drove into the alley slowly.

As soon as the door of the extended black five-star car in the middle was opened, Shen Qingcong saw people from the Xiao family getting out of the car one after another.

Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, who had regained their youthful vigor, and President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, who looked younger, more handsome and beautiful, all walked towards the small house of the Wangfu with smiles.

Behind them, followed by a group of soldiers carrying the bride price.

Seeing them approaching, Xiao Chifeng also took Shen Qingcong's hand to meet them.

"Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, this is the green onion."

Shen Qingcong also greeted them with a polite smile, "Hello, Grandpa Xiao! Hello, Grandma Xiao! Hello, Mrs. President! Hello, Mrs. President!"

Grandma Xiao, who has a bold personality, fell in love with Shen Qingcong, who had a beautiful appearance and a clean and delicate aura.

At this time, when she heard Shen Qingcong's name, her old man immediately laughed loudly, "Oh, Xiao Congcong, you should be like Xiao Chichi, calling us grandpa, grandma, and father, mother, you child , I fell in love with it at the first sight, and we will be a family soon, we can't be too polite to each other, you know?"

When Shen Qingcong saw Grandma Xiao who was smiling and very kind and hearty, she liked it very much, so she also smiled and replied, "Okay, then I will listen to Grandma Xiao, and I will change my words immediately after I get the certificate with A Chi. "

Grandma Xiao smiled and nodded at her, "You child, you are really a ghost, you really don't want to suffer at all!"

Shen Qingcong said with a smile, "Grandma Xiao is also your pet! If you weren't so kind, how would I dare to speak so presumptuously?"

Grandma Xiao was so coaxed by Shen Qingcong's good words that she giggled, turned her head and said to Grandpa Xiao, "Old Xiao, look at our granddaughter-in-law, how can she speak with this mouth! The voice is nice, and the words are nice. It makes people feel comfortable, good, good, this child is really good, my wife likes it very much..."

(End of this chapter)

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