Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 359 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 2

Chapter 359 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 2
"Mom, I also like green onions."

Mrs. Xiao said as she walked up to Shen Qingcong, apologizing to Shen Qingcong sincerely, "Qingcong, it was my mother who misunderstood others' greedy words, that's why I misunderstood you and treated you badly." Caused some harm, mom is here, in front of so many people, apologizing to you, I hope you will be a large number of adults, don't care about mom, okay?"

Zheng Yiling, who has always been proud, was able to put himself in such a low position to apologize to her today. Shen Qingcong really admired him, and expressed his amazement at Zheng Yiling's flexible temperament.

No wonder she can become the first lady, as long as her mind is not confused, Zheng Yiling is indeed very tactful in dealing with people.

As long as she can sincerely apologize to her in front of everyone, Shen Qingcong can no longer argue with Xiao Chifeng because of Xiao Chifeng's face, so she also gave her a polite smile, "Ma'am, you are serious. , since it’s a misunderstanding, it’s fine to just let it go.”

Grandma Xiao also quickly smoothed things over, "That's right, it's okay if the misunderstanding is cleared up, Xiao Chichi, why don't you invite us in for tea?"

Xiao Chifeng responded immediately, "Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, let's go, let's go inside and talk."

A group of people walked towards the lobby of the main building talking and laughing.

Behind them, a long line of soldiers carrying the bride price filed in. The scene was very spectacular.

After everyone sat down in the hall, Grandma Xiao, who likes to go straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush, directly said to Shen Qingcong, "Xiao Congcong, you must know that today we, the three generations of the Xiao family, came here together, just to Please marry us Chi, our Chi is a good boy, and you are also a good boy, the two of you are together, in the eyes of grandma, you are a natural pair, a pair made by nature, an excellent match. "

Having said that, Grandma Xiao glanced at Shen Qingcong with a smile, changed the topic, and continued, "I also only found out not long ago that Ah Chi's mother had misunderstood you before and brought you some harm. You have already scolded her, she will not do this again in the future, don't worry, if anyone else dares to bully you, you can tell grandma, grandma will definitely stand by your side, and help you clean them up."

Shen Qingcong could feel Grandma Xiao's liking for her and her protection, so she also smiled sincerely and said, "Thank you Grandma!"

Although it is because of her status change that the Xiao family accepted her.

But she understands.

After all, as a big family like the Xiao family, if you are worthless, others will really look down on you, even if it is not the Xiao family, but other Li family, Bai family, Ouyang family, it is the same.

Only when a person reflects your value, will others look at you differently.

That's why before, Shen Qingcong insisted on making some achievements so that the whole Xiao family would willingly come to ask for marriage, but now, her goal has been achieved.

"Forging iron needs to be hard, and embroidery needs to be skillful." This is the truth.

Grandma Xiao and Shen Qingcong may have a predestined relationship. As soon as the old man saw Shen Qingcong, she liked her very much. It was from the heart, not all because of the external benefits that Shen Qingcong could bring.

Such an elegant and handsome person, with such a calm and calm temperament, the former Zheng Yiling was also blind and couldn't see the goodness of this child.

 PS: Two more chapters will be added, dear friends, help vote + bookmark after reading, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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