Chapter 363 Marriage Contract

Director Chen smiled and pointed them to the signature position of the marriage contract, and warmly reminded, "Prince and Princess, after reading it, you can just sign here."

Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong read it again, and what was written on it was nothing more than the obligations and responsibilities that both husband and wife should fulfill.

Neither of them had any objections, so they both signed their names on the marriage contract.

After signing, he handed it back to Director Chen who was waiting on the side.

In fact, the two of them have already formed a contract of one heart, and they are not afraid of each other's betrayal at all. The purpose of receiving this marriage certificate is to give an explanation to relatives and friends in the secular world, as well as those news media and the public who like to gossip.

Director Chen carefully checked their signatures again, and after finding that there were no mistakes or omissions, he smiled and said to them, "Please wait a moment, the prince and princess, I will go to the side to make the certificate, and the certificate will be issued in a while. "

Both Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong smiled and said to him, "Thank you."

Seeing Director Chen go out, Shen Qingcong saw that what should be discussed was also discussed, so she said to Xiao Chifeng, "Ah Chi, you are here to chat with grandpa, grandma, and parents, and I will go to the kitchen to make some dishes , and let my grandparents and parents taste my craft."

When Xiao Chifeng heard that she was going to cook, he frowned lightly, "Are you going to cook? Will it tire you?"

Grandma Xiao also said, "That's right, Cong Cong, you are pregnant with four babies now, we can eat anything, don't be tired!"

Shen Qingcong smiled, "It's okay, grandma, I'm just cooking a few dishes. I'm really not tired. You see, many people go to work while pregnant. Compared with them, I'm already much more comfortable."

Grandma Xiao stood up immediately, "Then I will accompany you, and Grandma will help you."

Shen Qingcong hurriedly declined, "No, no, grandma, you just sit here and wait to eat, soon, you have to believe me, my cooking skills are really good, just let me show off !"

Grandma Xiao saw that she had said that, so she also smiled and said, "OK, OK, I'll let you perform well today, but you won't be allowed in the future..."

Shen Qingcong responded with a smile, "Okay!"

Grandma Xiao's concern made Shen Qingcong feel warm.

For a person who lacks love like her, even if someone pays a little more to her and loves her a little more, she will be easily moved.

She is very short of love, so she always longs for someone to love her well.

She is very lacking in love, so she is also very emotional.

The purpose of her life and actions is: You give me one point, and I will return you ten points!

You are good to me, I will be better to you!
At the kitchen side, as soon as Sun Ma saw her coming, she greeted her with a smile, pointed to the dishes that had been packed and said, "Young Madam, I have picked and cut these dishes, and I will wait for you to cook them." gone."

Shen Qingcong smiled back at Mama Sun, "Okay, thank you Mama Sun."

She looked around the kitchen, and saw that Sun Ma had cleaned everything up very cleanly. Early this morning, she prepared the ingredients, all of which were meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruits produced in the space, and brought them over. Let Sun Ma tidy up first, and Sun Ma also cut them neatly and placed them there.

Shen Qingcong gave Mama Sun a thumbs-up in her heart, she really is a good worker!

At first, Mama Sun was still worried, wondering if Shen Qingcong really knew how to cook?Or did she insist on cooking bravely in order to show off in front of the Xiao family?
But when Mama Sun saw that Shen Qingcong started cooking very skillfully, and as smoothly as flowing water, she knew that her worries were completely unnecessary.

 PS: Thank you for the flowers from the other side, how dare to leave after a long time, long time no see, who will hurt my heart, understatement, sweet memories, childish ghost℡, sea and sky, life is like a play, Y, very good, Tomori Nao , happy travel?Be myself, I pity Youmengkong who hurts, Nuanyang Qianbao pets Limo, Xiqi, Xiaofei-194493070 for rewards, what a da~
(End of this chapter)

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