Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 364 The Crown Princess Is Really Amazing!

Chapter 364 The Crown Princess Is Really Amazing!

Shen Qingcong's movements were so fast that Mama Sun, who had always claimed to be an expert in the kitchen, was a little stunned.

She actually turned on four stoves at the same time, stewing soup for stew, stir-fried vegetables for stir-frying, steaming fish for steaming fish, and grilling meat for barbecue, but she didn't see a trace of panic.

Mama Sun really admired it, the princess is really amazing!so amazing!Let her worship to the fullest!

In the kitchen, a strong, extremely mouth-watering meaty smell soon wafted out, and slowly, this smell spread to the entire Wangfu Xiaojia, and wafted out of the wall.

A group of guards in charge of defense sniffed fiercely and looked at each other, not knowing where the scent came from.

The patrolling guards simply followed the scent.

When they found out that it was the princess who was cooking in the kitchen, they were astonished.

In their impression, Shen Qingcong was so beautiful, so good-looking, she looked like a fairy in appearance, and she didn't touch the fireworks of the world.

A beautiful woman like her should be pampered by a man in a boudoir, instead of washing her hands with a virtuous face like she is now.

Shen Qingcong, who was cooking in the kitchen at this time, really completely overturned their previous impression of her.

It turns out that the princess concubine actually has such a homely side, she is really a typical good woman who can go to the hall and enter the kitchen!
Shen Qingcong saw the two guards standing at the door of the kitchen staring at her in a daze, and couldn't help but asked them with a smile, "Did you all smell the fragrance, are you hungry?"

One of the guards who patrolled here to inquire, when he heard her joking words, couldn't help blushing, showed a naive smile at Shen Qingcong, and replied cautiously, "It's like this, the princess, brothers are here We could smell the delicious smell outside, and the saliva almost flowed all over the place, so they asked us to come over and see where did the smell come from? Hehe, I didn't expect that it was the princess who was cooking in person. You are really amazing!"

Shen Qingcong said with a smile, "What's so great about this, women who can cook can grab a lot! Mom, it just so happens that the roast meat in this oven is cooked, you can share it with these brothers first!"

The guard quickly waved his hand, "No, no, we're just here to take a look, not to beg for food. The bosses here haven't eaten yet, so if we eat first, we'll be punished later!"

Shen Qingcong rolled his eyes, and then smiled, "Let's do it this way! Sun Ma, you serve six plates of barbecue to the hall first, and if there is any excess, you distribute it to the guard brothers first, and then, let's continue to roast. Try to let these brothers eat it."

There are more than 100 people in the president's guard group. With so many of them, it is also a big project for each of them to eat a few skewers and roast hundreds of skewers.

Fortunately, the ovens in this small house in Wufu are big enough, and they can bake hundreds of skewers once they go around in one circle.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to eat all at once, but it is still possible for each of them to eat a few skewers.

Sun Ma said "OK", then turned off the oven, and began to take out the barbecue skewers inside, and filled six large plates with the exquisite and gorgeous blue and white porcelain plate.

Sun's mother called her daughter-in-law Ye Liu again, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law each carried a tray and sent the tempting barbecue to the other side of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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