Chapter 365
On the other side of the hall, Mr. Xiao was also muttering to Xiao Chifeng, "Ah Chi, where did this smell of meat come from? I'm so hungry for this old man, is it made by our granddaughter-in-law? Show me quickly! "

Xiao Chifeng laughed loudly and said, "Grandpa, you don't need to look at it, I'll tell you directly, this is your granddaughter-in-law's handicraft, I'll know it as soon as I smell it."

Grandma Xiao said with a look of surprise, "Oh, it turns out that Xiao Cong Cong has such a good craftsmanship! The more you understand this child, the more you can discover that she has many advantages. She really surprises people from time to time. !"

President Xiao also smiled and said, "Isn't it! This kid is really amazing, and he is getting more and more impressive."

Seeing Xiao Chifeng sitting still, Mr. Xiao began to urge him again, "Achi, please go and show me, is this dish ready to eat?"

Grandma Xiao couldn't see it, so she spat at him directly, "You old glutton, when you smell something delicious, you scratch your paw like a cat. If you don't give it to you, you will stretch out your hand and scratch someone? Are you ashamed? "

Xiao Chifeng couldn't bear the old man's disappointment, and when he was about to stand up to take a look, he saw Mama Sun and Ye Liu walking in with trays and smiling.

A strong smell of meat, as they came in, quickly rushed into the nostrils of everyone in the Xiao family.

Mr. Xiao suddenly stood up, "It smells so good, it smells so good, hurry up, bring it up, bring it up..."

As soon as Sun Ma and Ye Liu put the six plates of barbecue meat away, Mr. Xiao impatiently stretched out his hand, picked up a bunch of freshly baked barbecue meat, and stuffed it straight into his mouth.

Very hot, very spicy, very fragrant, very tender, very fresh...

An unprecedented extreme sense of taste exploded in Mr. Xiao's mouth.

Mr. Xiao's eyes widened, and he looked fascinated by it. Finally, he gave everyone in the Xiao family a thumbs up, and praised without hesitation, "Well, it's delicious! It's really delicious! The taste is amazing!"

Everyone in the Xiao family knew that the pampered old man had long since raised his mouth and appetite, and such ordinary things really couldn't enter his eyes and mouth.

The more Mr. Xiao ate, the more delicious he became, and the more he ate, the more he wanted to eat. His eyes glowed green like hungry wolves. He was still eating, but his eyes were fixed on those plates.

When Grandma Xiao, President Xiao, and Mrs. Xiao saw Mr. Xiao's frightening eating, they all squeezed forward curiously, each of them picked up a bunch, and slowly tasted them there.

Grandpa Xiao watched them eat, and he felt a pang of being robbed of his food.

He quickly put three plates of barbecue to his side, and said to them like an old child, "This is mine, you are not allowed to grab it! Anyone who dares to grab it from me, I am in a hurry!"

Grandma Xiao snorted and laughed, "It's all yours, whoever wants to snatch it from you, you think everyone is as greedy as you!"

But when Grandma Xiao finished eating a bunch of barbecue, she regretted saying this a little bit.

Her old man also started to grab the barbecue on the other three plates.

President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao were also addicted to eating at this time. When they saw that their mother was also grabbing barbecue, they each grabbed several skewers in their hands and started eating desperately.

Xiao Chifeng eats it often, but he didn't compete with them. It's really rare to see his relatives, who are always aloof, have such a greedy cat who snatches food and protects it!

PS: I strongly recommend my friend Yue Yi Xichuang's new article, "Hot Space Concubine Xiaoye: The Remnant King Teases His Wife". If you are interested, please support me!

Introduction: Newlywed Ye Yuan Pa Luohong, he frowned: "Why are you bleeding again?"

She calmly said, "To compensate you, I made a new film, do you like it?"


(End of this chapter)

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