Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 367 This Wife Was Married Right

Chapter 367 This Wife Was Married Right

Grandma Xiao was so angry that she swung her fist and rushed forward, "Okay, I'll beat you, you shameless old man..."

Seeing the old man and grandma Xiao fighting and fighting there, President Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, and Xiao Chifeng all looked calm, as if they had been used to such scenes for a long time.

Only Shen Qingcong was dumbfounded, and then he couldn't help laughing at the two of them.

It can be seen from the fight between the two elders that their relationship is very good. They have been together for decades like them through ups and downs, and their relationship has not changed at all. On the contrary, it has grown deeper There are really few couples, it is not easy, and it is admirable.

How many lovers break up after they get married.

There are also many people who get married, their relationship gradually fades, and they end up living with it.

Shen Qingcong also hopes that her marriage with Xiao Chifeng can be like the old man and the others, staying together and loving each other until the end of life.

However, the men of the Xiao family are all very good-looking, and they will not do those bad things outside.

Just like President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, even if they are just married, President Xiao has always respected Mrs. Xiao, and has never been tempted by the colorful world outside.

As for Xiao Chifeng, it's even better for her. It can be said that he is obedient and obedient, and the two of them have formed a bond of mutual understanding. I believe that the relationship in the future will only get better and better, and will not get worse.

Shen Qingcong is full of expectations and confidence in their marriage.

Today's big meal successfully made Shen Qingcong feel good in front of the Xiao family.

Especially Mr. Xiao and Grandma Xiao, they just liked Shen Qingcong no matter what they looked at, and they said that Xiao Chifeng had good vision, and he married the right wife.

That afternoon, when President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao said they were going to leave, Mr. Xiao really strongly demanded that he stay.

Grandma Xiao couldn't hold back him, so she could only stay with him and live here in Wangfu Xiaojia.

Her old man also said to Qing Cong with apologetic expression, "Xiao Congcong, I'm really sorry to bother you, your grandfather, his temper is going back as he lives, and now he is a typical old child, old naughty boy, there is At that time, even I had no choice but to follow him."

Shen Qingcong patted Grandma Xiao's hand lightly, and said comfortingly, "Grandma, I still think this yard is too big and not very popular. If you are willing to live here, I would really wish for it."

Grandma Xiao was very happy when she heard that, and she looked at Shen Qingcong, she really liked it more and more, "Xiao Congcong's words are sweet, sweet to grandma's heart. But, you and Xiao Chichi are both people who want to do big things, grandpa Grandma and I can't keep bothering you here, wait for your grandpa to live here for a day or two, and then we'll go back to the compound."

Seeing such an understanding Grandma Xiao, Shen Qingcong was also filled with emotion.

There are really few old people who are kind, open-minded, and sympathetic to the younger generation!

She is very fortunate to have met elders like Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao. As for President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, they may still be in office. Relatively speaking, it is more utilitarian to think about things than the two old people.

Of course, this is not a big mistake, many people are very realistic and utilitarian.

The only good thing for Shen Qingcong is that neither President Xiao nor Mrs. Xiao are very stubborn.

The thoughts of the couple will also change with the change of the environment.

If you really meet that kind of person who decides that he doesn't like you, he will stick to the end, want to fight you hard to the end, and doesn't know how to change it, that's terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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