Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 368 Hot Marriage Certificate

Chapter 368 Hot Marriage Certificate

When President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao left, Shen Qingcong gave them some health pills and life fruit juice, and told them to drink a cup in the morning and evening, which can replenish the energy of the body and maintain the health of the body. she wants.

President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao left with smiles on their faces.

With the vigorous publicity of the guards of the Presidential Guard Corps, the rumor that the princess's culinary skills are comparable to a master chef soon resounded in Kyoto, and this is a later story.

After seeing their parents off, the couple held hands and went back to the master room together.

Xiao Chifeng happily took out the fiery red marriage certificate that had just been released, and let Shen Qingcong look at it. Then, he hugged her and kissed her again, and kept saying, "Xiao Congcong, you are finally mine! Finally It's mine! It's finally mine! Hahaha, I'm so happy..."

Seeing Xiao Chifeng's stupid look, Shen Qingcong also laughed, "I've been yours for a long time, haven't I?"

Xiao Chifeng's deep eyes were full of affection and doting, he looked at her intently and said, "That's different. Although this marriage certificate is a bit vulgar, I'm still happy. It proves that we can be together legitimately in the future. Can't stop us anymore."

Shen Qingcong smiled, "I think you are afraid that my own father will come out to stop us, right? Then you have to be careful, you robbed his precious daughter, and with his personality, he will definitely not let you go of."

Xiao Chifeng covered his heart with his hands, and said exaggeratedly, "Hey, my little Cong Cong, you can do it, don't scare me anymore, can you? Your father, the master of the palace, has already made an appearance. I was so scared. If the old man really appeared on the stage, I don’t know what will happen? My wife, my wife, you have to cover me when the time comes. Whether my husband can pass this test depends entirely on you It's..."

Seeing his funny and funny manner, Shen Qingcong said with a smile on his face, "Hey, Young Master Xiao, where is your usual belligerent style?"

Xiao Chifeng said with a bitter face on Zhang Jun, "My belligerent style is aimed at the enemy, my father-in-law is not my enemy! If I use this belligerent style on my father-in-law, then he will kill me Ah? What if, in a fit of anger, he snatches you and the child back to the Sikou Hall and locks me up, preventing me from entering, what should I do? He is a fairy, and I am a human being, and I can't beat him..."

When Shen Qingcong thought of that scene, she looked at him sympathetically, and laughed loudly, "Then you should kneel down and beg him!"

Xiao Chifeng asked again, "Then what if he still disagrees?"

Shen Qingcong replied with a smile, "Then you should kneel until he agrees."

When Xiao Chifeng heard this, he fell to the ground holding his heart in an instant.

Meeting such a strong and domineering father-in-law, I really can't afford to be hurt!
After the two of them laughed and laughed, they began to discuss business.

Shen Qingcong asked Xiao Chifeng to send someone to spread the news that her sect of cultivating immortals, "Sikou Temple", was going to recruit disciples on purpose.

Moreover, she specifically confessed repeatedly that the Ouyang family and the Bai family must know the good news.

Can this good news spread to the cultivation world?Whether it can be passed into the ears of the master of the palace depends entirely on the strength of the Bai family.

Of course, the premise of this plan is that the members of the Bai family want to use the hands of the Lord Hall Master to kill her.

They don't know that she is the real daughter of the Palace Master, so they will definitely think that she has violated the taboo of the Palace Master by setting up the "Sikou Palace", and they are eager to go to the Palace Master to inform him so that they can get some credit .

(End of this chapter)

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