Chapter 369 Glad to Marry You!

However, according to Shen Qingcong's understanding of those people in the Bai family, they gang of greedy ghosts will never let her down.

She is now looking forward to the wonderful scene where the Bai family self-righteously enters the trap set by her, and then let them fantasize about being able to use her father's hand to clean her up, only to be slapped severely in the face scene.

I believe that wonderful scene will definitely make people feel sour, hahaha...

In the evening, Shen Qingcong personally cooked again, cooked a delicious meal for Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, and also prepared life juice for them.

Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao ate with satisfaction, especially Mr. Xiao, who said directly that he was right to stay!

After making arrangements for the two elderly people, Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng went back to the room together.

Shen Qingcong thought, in the future, she will bring others into the space for training, and Xiao Chifeng's participation will be indispensable in her talent training plan. Besides, they have formed a contract of mutual understanding and received a marriage certificate, so it is time to bring him Slipped into the system space.

After thinking it over, Shen Qingcong smiled and said to Xiao Chifeng, "Achi, close your eyes quickly, and I will take you to a fairyland outside the world."

Xiao Chifeng closed his eyes obediently, and asked with a smile, "What otherworldly wonderland? You're not fooling me, are you?"

Shen Qingcong smiled mysteriously, "Just wait and see, are you ready? I'm going to fly with you!"

Xiao Chifeng laughed softly, very willing to cooperate with the game his little wife wanted to play, "Ready."

"Okay, let's dodge!"

As soon as Shen Qingcong's words fell, Xiao Chifeng felt as if his body was really flying into the air, and after a moment of weightlessness, he felt his feet hit the ground.

He opened his eyes curiously, and when he saw the space in front of him that was truly as beautiful as a fairyland, his eyes were filled with shock, and he asked in amazement, "Xiao Congcong, where is this? It's really a fairyland ?”

Shen Qingcong didn't answer, but instead asked him, "Is this place beautiful?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "It's very beautiful, and the air seems to be particularly good. I feel very comfortable as soon as I come in, Xiao Congcong, tell me quickly, where is this place?"

Only then did Shen Qingcong answer him, "This is my portable cave, with plenty of spiritual energy, plus the time-to-flow ratio, it is countless times faster than practicing outside. As I told you before, you can communicate with other worlds." The trading platform is also here."

After Xiao Chifeng heard it, he was so excited that he couldn't calm down for a long time, "It turns out that those ancient legends are actually true! There are really multi-dimensional spaces in this world, there are really fairylands outside the world, there are really people who cultivate immortals, and there are really people who carry Dongfu, it's amazing, it's really unbelievable..."

Shen Qingcong smiled and said to him, "I can show you the whole story now, Chi, you have to help me!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded without saying a word, "Okay, as long as you tell me what to do, I will do it."

Hearing what he said, Shen Qingcong couldn't help hugging her, and said tenderly, "A Chi, you're so kind! You're so good! I'm so lucky that I can marry you!"

Xiao Chifeng kissed her lips lightly, looked at her affectionately, and said affectionately, "Congcong, I am also very glad that I can marry you!"

The two hugged each other for a while, before Shen Qingcong led him around in the space.

In the end, Shen Qingcong took him back to the edge of the Lingquan Pool, and asked him first, "Achi, have you used that dragon blood to refine your body?"

 PS: Ask for tickets, please collect~~~Because more and more friends have given rewards recently, a single roll call, and a page of mobile phones are not enough. Some readers have reported that it will affect reading. For those who donate in the future, I will Thank you for the single reply in the comment area, no need to name them one by one, every thought of you will be deeply remembered in September, thank you dear, thank you for the motivation you gave me, I love you, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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