Chapter 373 Plan to kidnap her

Shen Qingcong glanced at the sky outside with mental strength, and found that it was still dark, so she led Xiao Chifeng into the courtyard of the space, and took him around inside.

Finally, she took him to the trading platform.

Little Bai Yan was fiddling with for some reason, and his humanoid hand was pressing and pressing on the keyboard quickly...

When Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng walked over, Xiao Baiyan didn't even raise her head, and said directly to her, "Master, today I found out that the Ouyang family and the Bai family that we have been monitoring are setting up a conspiracy against you." , They want to take advantage of Vice President Ouyang Qianyuan's birthday to invite you to a birthday party, and then the Bai family will send masters of cultivation to kidnap you and imprison you..."

When Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng heard this, they were immediately furious.

Shen Qingcong lowered her pretty face and asked Xiao Baiyan, "Did you record all their call records?"

Xiao Baiyan nodded, "Of course."

A coldness flashed in Shen Qingcong's eyes, "Very good! Let us hear it, I want to see, how did they plan to kidnap and imprison me?"

On the other hand, she was thinking of setting a trap for the Bai family to deal with them. Unexpectedly, they wanted to attack her first.

Shen Qingcong smiled coldly, these two gangs of scum, she hasn't settled the accounts with them before, and now she dares to die to deal with her?It seems that I am really impatient to live, and I am going to kill myself.

Xiao Chifeng's handsome face, ever since he heard Xiao Baiyan say that Ouyang's family and Bai's family were plotting against her, has been covered with ice and snow.

He also secretly swore in his heart that if they really dared to attack Cong Cong, then he would make their lives worse than death.

Xiao Baiyan's recorded voice was soon released.

Ouyang Qianyuan: "The master I asked you to prepare, are you ready?"

Bai Xingfeng: "It's ready, when do you want to use it?"

Ouyang Qianyuan: "I'm going to do it on the day of my birthday dinner."

Bai Xingfeng: "Are you sure the plan is safe?"

Ouyang Qianyuan: "Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, who can guarantee that nothing will go wrong? We can only prepare various countermeasures. In case the master on your side loses his hand, I am also prepared to retreat."

Bai Xingfeng sneered: "Brother Ouyang, are you planning to use us as scapegoats after the incident fails? Isn't that too immoral of you?"

Ouyang Qianyuan hurriedly said: "No, no, brother Bai, you misunderstood! I am not such a person. Since we have chosen to cooperate, we must first trust each other. When the cooperation is successful, I want something, and you want something." People, let’s take what we need, and there is no conflict of interest, don’t you think so? We haven’t finished the matter yet, so we can’t turn our backs first!”

Bai Xingfeng snorted, "Okay, I'll take someone there tomorrow, where shall we meet?"

Ouyang Qianyuan replied, "See you at the old place!"


"Then let's make an agreement like this. I'll wait for you there at eight o'clock tomorrow night."


The conversation between these two people ends here.

Both Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng had ugly expressions on their faces, and they wished they could chop them up with a knife.

It's like this every time, she doesn't want to cause trouble, but these people don't let her go, and come to harm her time and time again.

These scumbags either want her to die, or they want to catch her and dig out her secrets.

very good!Want to move her?

She will make them die ugly!


PS: Tomorrow early in the morning, the fee will be put on the shelves, and there will be 20 chapters of updates, 50 monthly tickets plus 500 chapter, and [-] monthly tickets plus [-] chapters, please be the first to order!Seek genuine support!Ask for a lot of monthly tickets! ! !In the next chapter, the patron saint of green onion will appear, and our beautiful palace master will also appear soon. The exciting moment is coming soon, let us look forward to it together, hahaha~~~
(End of this chapter)

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