Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 374 The Arrival of the Green Onion Protector God

Chapter 374 The Lush Protector Appears (First Order!)
Shen Qingcong turned back and told Xiao Baiyan, "Xiao Yanyan, keep following them and let me know if there is any movement."

Xiao Baiyan responded, "Understood."

After finishing the business, Shen Qingcong dragged Xiao Chifeng to introduce Xiao Baiyan, "This is my lover, Xiao Chifeng."

Then, she introduced Xiao Baiyan to Xiao Chifeng, "This is our great system elf Bai Yan, I usually call him Xiao Yanyan, Xiao Yanyan is very, very capable, I can rely on him to take care of my space! "

Xiao Chifeng nodded to Xiao Baiyan.

But Xiao Baiyan looked Xiao Chifeng up and down with critical eyes, and then snorted, "Barely worthy of you!"

Shen Qingcong had a deep understanding of his arrogance and awkwardness, and she was afraid that Xiao Chifeng would get angry if he didn't understand Xiao Baiyan, so she directly dragged Xiao Chifeng outside, "Let's ignore him and go back to the room to sleep. "

Xiao Baiyan didn't stop them either.

Seeing the two of them walk away, he secretly opened an encrypted chat channel, and quickly chatted with the other party again, "Shangxian Qingjue, are you really not going to tell her the truth?"

The other party replied, "Don't worry, since she knows that her father is Si Kou Yu, let's see how she reacts before talking about it. As for me, let's talk about it after she recognizes her father! You remember, don't say anything." Leak your mouth, otherwise, Ben Shangxian will kill you all by himself!"

Xiao Baiyan was so frightened that his small body trembled, and he quickly replied, "I understand! I understand!"

At this time, Xiao Baiyan was as obedient as a kitten, and he was not as arrogant and awkward in front of Shen Qingcong.

Seeing that the other party's profile picture had turned black, Xiao Baiyan let out a long breath.

This man who terrifies him is called Leng Qingjue.

He is the supreme officer of the well-known Space-Time Management Bureau in the fairy world.

Leng Qingjue looks impeccably handsome, but he often puts on a foolish yuppie appearance, and behaves just like Si Kou Yu, a guy who never plays his cards according to reason, always doing whatever he wants, and he is also very willful .

These plane systems are selected by the Time and Space Administration of the Immortal Realm from various planes in the lower realm, and then the plane systems are sent to the target people in each plane, giving them these selected ordinary people a chance to rise up. Chance.

And how far and where each person who gets the system can go depends on each person's potential and ability.

As for Shen Qingcong, when Leng Qingjue was patrolling the mortal world before, he accidentally discovered her existence, and felt that Shen Qingcong carried an aura that he was particularly familiar with. After seeing her appearance clearly, Leng Qingjue was instantly stunned!

This Shen Qingcong actually looks very, very similar to his righteous brother Si Kou Yu.

Surprised and curious, Leng Qingjue went to check it out.

As a result, he found that his guess was indeed correct.

This Shen Qingcong is Si Kou Yu's biological daughter!

Yibro's daughter, that is his niece!

Seeing that my niece seems to be living a miserable life these years, it is natural that she can't stand by and watch.

Later, he thought of a way to help her.

With his thoughts, he led Shen Qingcong to a stall, and asked her to buy the plane system that he quietly placed on the stall.

Then, he secretly helped her in the system, so he should take good care of his precious daughter for his brother-in-law!

However, when he was testing Si Kou Yu, he found that Si Kou Yu didn't seem to know that he had a daughter like Shen Qingcong.

(End of this chapter)

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