Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 378 The Liang family 3 best thing is over

Chapter 378 The matter of the Liang family's three top grades is over
Xiao Chifeng looked at her confident and frightened face, looked at her helplessly and sighed, "Okay! My wife, you are the modern Zhuge Liang, okay? I admire you!"

Shen Qingcong giggled, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Just as they finished chatting, Xiao Chifeng's cell phone rang.

As soon as he saw the call from Ma Chuanyang, he immediately answered, "I'm Xiao Chifeng, what's the matter?"

On the other side, Mayor Ma felt chills all over his body when he heard the indifferent voice of Prince Xiao. Through a long telephone line, he could easily feel the coercion of the prince pressing on him. come over.

Ma Chuanyang coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and then carefully reported to Xiao Chifeng, "Prince, it's like this. We held a court session early this morning, and with convincing evidence, Liang Han and Liang Lu After being convicted, Liang Han paid for his life and was sentenced to death. Liang Lu was sentenced to three years in prison because she was an accomplice, but her crime was not too great. Take a look, is there anything wrong with this sentence? "

Xiao Chifeng glanced at Shen Qingcong.

With Shen Qingcong's hearing ability, she naturally heard what Ma Chuanyang said from the microphone, and she nodded to Xiao Chifeng to express her approval of the verdict.

Xiao Chifeng said to Ma Chuanyang, "Okay, the result is very good. The princess and I are very satisfied. Mayor Ma, this time, thank you for your hard work! I will let people distribute the rewards."

When Ma Chuanyang heard it, the prince was satisfied, and there were rewards to be distributed, and he smiled and patted his ass, "It is the prince's leadership that allows us to do things so beautifully. By the way, Mr. Shen's funeral , will be held tomorrow, is there anything else the prince and princess want to order?"

Xiao Chifeng replied, "No, you should come out in person and make it look good for him. If someone asks about us, you can say that the princess is too sad and unwell, so she didn't attend, and there is no need to say anything else, understand? ?”

Ma Chuanyang responded repeatedly, "I understand, I understand."

Shen Qingcong suddenly said to Xiao Chifeng, "Give me your phone."

Xiao Chifeng looked up at her, "What's the matter? Do you have anything else to say?"

Shen Qingcong smiled at him, and said in a low voice, "Ma Chuanyang is pretty good at doing things, but I still lack a close assistant secretary. I want him to come and help me with things. What do you think?"

When Xiao Chifeng heard this, he frowned immediately, and said to the person on the other end of the microphone, "Mayor Ma, let's do this first, let's talk about it later."

Ma Chuanyang said wittily, "Okay, Prince, goodbye!"


Xiao Chifeng hung up the phone, and then said to Shen Qingcong with a calm face, "I don't agree! He, Ma Chuanyang, is a man, so it's inconvenient to follow you!"

Shen Qingcong curled her lips, and said disapprovingly, "I'll go! How old is he, what are you worried about?"

Xiao Chifeng hummed and said, "How old is he? Not so old, right? This looks like a handsome middle-aged uncle. I've heard that many of you women in their teens and 20s like this one the most. You are a mature uncle, and you still say you have a sense of security, hehe... So, I absolutely do not allow male staff to appear in your close assistant, so you should give up on it!"

Shen Qingcong heard him speak clearly and logically, as if he accepted his death and refused to give in, Shen Qingcong couldn't help but look helpless, "My husband, the firewall you set up is too exaggerated, right? Do you still want to block it? All the men around me appear?"

(End of this chapter)

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