Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 379 Listen to sister-in-law's chapter, that's right!

Chapter 379 Listen to sister-in-law, you are right!
Xiao Chifeng kept Zhang Jun's face straight, and said to her with an extremely serious and serious attitude, "I don't think it's exaggerated, not at all. Just in case, I will absolutely prevent any man from approaching you!"

Shen Qingcong was speechless, "What about Yan Ting and the others? Aren't they also my close staff?"

When mentioning Yan Ting, Xiao Chifeng smiled, "Yan Ting, he is a person who has passed a rigorous test, I am very relieved of him! As for people like Mayor Ma..."

Xiao Chifeng paused for a moment, and then continued, "We don't know him well yet, and we are afraid that we know people and face but not heart, so let them develop with peace of mind first, don't worry, he has done his job well this time. , I'll let someone bring him up. We can't waste this kind of talent, can we? If he really performs well and can pass my test, then I'll transfer him to my side to handle things. You don't have to worry his future."

Shen Qingcong nodded helplessly, "Okay! You are right to say anything, so tell me, where are you going to find me some capable and loyal personal assistants?"

Xiao Chifeng thought for a while and said, "I will pick a few female assistants for you in the Longyan Army, and then let them come over, you choose yourself!"

"That's fine! That's it. I can wait for your good news."

Shen Qingcong asked him again, "Are you going out later?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "Well, I'm going out for a while to do some errands, so you can rest at home. If you're in good spirits, you can accompany our old man and grandma!"

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Okay, then go ahead!"

Shen Qingcong sent Xiao Chifeng out of the house, and as soon as he returned to the house, he received a call from Jinlong.

Jinlong is now mainly responsible for the delivery of raw materials for Jueweifang. He called at this time. Could it be that the raw materials have run out?

Shen Qingcong immediately pressed the answer button, "Hey, Jinlong, what's the matter?"

Jin Long's loud voice rang out excitedly in the microphone, "Oh, I said sister-in-law, the business of our Jueweifang is really booming! There are so many foodies all over the world who come here especially for the name! You originally gave The raw materials for the storage ring I prepared were used up in a few days, and now there is only a little left, which is only enough for today. Sister-in-law, where are you now? If you don’t come back, the raw materials will be supplied No more."

When Shen Qingcong heard that Jueweifang's business was so good, she was also very happy. This meant that her purse would get bigger and bigger!
"I'm still in the capital, and I still have some things to do here. I won't be able to return to the delta for a while! How about it, Jinlong, you can ask brother Yan to send you to the capital by helicopter right now. The goods are ready for you, and you can take them back directly."

Jin Long thought that meeting Shen Qingcong in person would definitely bring some benefits, and immediately replied, "Okay! I'll fly over right away! Sister-in-law, where can I find you?"

Shen Qingcong replied, "I'm in the Wangfu Xiaojia, and the Wangfu Xiaojia is now the home of me and your elder brother, you should know?"

Jin Long immediately replied, "I know, I know, I'll get ready right away."

Shen Qingcong heard the urgency in his words, and smiled again, "Don't be so anxious, take your time..."

"Okay, I'll listen to my sister-in-law."

As soon as the golden dragon at the other end of the delta hung up the phone, he jumped up happily and shouted wildly, "Yayyah!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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