Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 394 The Palace Master Stolen His Wife!

Chapter 394 The Palace Master Stolen His Wife!
Although Xiao Chifeng also had a premonition that this beautiful man should be Qing Cong's father, the palace master, but he was still upset!accurate!Not happy!

The news that they set up the Sikou Hall to recruit disciples has just spread, the Lord of the Hall, unexpectedly came to the door so quickly?
How can it be so fast?
It was so fast that he was caught off guard, so fast that he didn't even have time to react!

Si Kouyu seemed to have sensed Xiao Chifeng's displeasure, and gave him a cold look, then snorted heavily at him, directly shaking Xiao Chifeng's mind to the point of collapse.

What made Xiao Chifeng even more horrified was that the next moment, his father-in-law, the master of the palace, was so self-willed that he didn't even say hello to him, and just hugged his wife... and flew away!

The old man actually flew away with his wife in his arms!flew away!flew away! ! !
Why is his father-in-law so willful and unreasonable!
Seeing his wife being snatched away, Xiao Chifeng felt as if his heart was being twisted. He let go of his voice and shouted her name angrily, "Scallion, Scallion, Scallion, come back to me, come back, come back..."

Leng Qingjue, who was still floating in the sky, looked at Xiao Chifeng with sympathetic eyes and said, "Boy, just take a rest, your father-in-law, it seems that you won't be able to return this girl anytime soon." Here it is for you, hehehe, just ask for blessings!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Qingjue also disappeared in a flash.

Xiao Chifeng looked at the empty sky, standing there like a stone statue, motionless.

Only he knew that his heart seemed to be torn open at this moment, and blood and tears were constantly flowing there.

Facing such a powerful father-in-law, what should he do to snatch his dear wife back?

Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, the guards, Uncle Xu, and Mama Sun who had heard the sound and saw the scene just now looked at each other in shock.

The appearance of Si Kou Yu and Leng Qingjue completely overturned their perception of the world.

It took a long time before they reacted belatedly, and there was a lot of discussion immediately.

"Oh my god! So there really are gods in this world!"

"I must have worshiped the Bodhisattva yesterday, so I saw a god today, hahahahaha..."

"I always thought that there would be no immortal cultivators long ago. I didn't expect that there are still legendary immortals living here. That means that there are still immortal cultivators in this world, right? Isn't it?"

Uncle Xu, Ma Sun, Xu Zilin, and his wife Ye Liu were almost grinning from the corners of their mouths to their ears.

When they thought that their children had been personally named by the young lady and could join her sect, they became even more excited and excited, and they really wanted to share this good news with everyone.

Will the children of their family be like the two immortals just now, able to call the wind and call the rain, and fly around in the sky?

Seeing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Mr. Xiao was shocked when he heard them talking endlessly.

Thinking of the huge impact that would be caused if this news spread, Mr. Xiao immediately coughed heavily, and warned everyone present in a cold voice, "Listen clearly to me, what you saw and heard here today You are not allowed to say a single word of everything you have heard, this is a military order, do you understand?"

 PS: Chapter 10 has started to be updated. Dear friends, please vote for the monthly ticket and the recommendation ticket. Your strong support is the driving force behind my update, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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