Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 395 Subversion of their world view

Chapter 395 Subversion of their world view

These staff members have worked in the royal family for a long time, so they naturally know the seriousness of the matter, and they are happy to be happy, but they have already signed the relevant confidentiality regulations when they entered the Xiao family.

At this moment, when they heard Mr. Xiao's warning, everyone put away the excitement and excitement just now, and replied loudly in unison, "Understood!"

Mr. Xiao eased his tone, and said to them again, "You are all confidantes of our Xiao family, and I can also tell you that one of the two immortals just now is the biological father of your princess, and the other The second place is her relatives, and your concubine is also a person who cultivates immortals. As long as you work hard and remain loyal to us, you may have the opportunity to be accepted by the concubine in the fairy family in the future, just like Xu Bo's grandson, Xiao Jinlai, who has already been accepted by us. The concubine has taken a fancy to it, so she is under her family."

Xiaochi, the guard of Wangfu Xiaojia, exclaimed, looked at Xu Bo enviously and asked, "Xu Bo, is this true?"

Uncle Xu nodded with a smile on his face, "It's true! Or the Crown Princess personally called the name, let our little Jin come directly to the mountain gate."

"Wow, then your little Jinlai is so lucky! He was actually favored by the Crown Princess!"

"That's right, Uncle Xu, your family's ancestral grave must be smoking, hahaha..."

The captain of the guard, Lei Jie, glanced at the petrified Xiao Chifeng next to him, and suddenly shouted, "Shut up, all of you! Didn't you see that the prince is in a bad mood? Hurry up and go to work!"

It was only at this time that everyone realized that Xiao Chifeng really looked sad. Thinking of the princess being taken away by her father suddenly, the prince must be very upset now, right?
In order to avoid the crown prince getting angry and hurting themselves, they hurriedly said "yes", and then scattered like birds and beasts, and went back to their respective posts to work.

Seeing everyone leave, Lei Jie was also secretly proud.

The girls in his family are also good. Like Xiao Jinlai, they are so competitive, they were also named by the princess, and they were also included in the close staff team of the princess. It seems that the ancestral grave of their Lei family is also young smoke!Hahahahahaha...

Although Mr. Xiao's warning still rings in their ears, what they saw and heard today left a deep memory in the hearts of each of them that they will never forget for a lifetime.

When people like them are old, they still come out to chatter with others from time to time, and proudly tell others that they have also witnessed the historical process of today's scene between the Crown Princess and the Palace Master. Father and daughter recognize each other.

Grandpa Xiao and Grandma Xiao approached Xiao Chifeng, looking at him with sympathy and pity.

Mr. Xiao patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said consolingly, "Achi, since Congcong's father wants to take her to reunite, you can let them have a reunion. You have to believe in Congcong, she will definitely come back!"

Xiao Chifeng glanced at Mr. Xiao, and said worriedly, "Grandpa, I'm not worried that Congcong won't come back, I'm afraid that her father won't let her come back!"

Grandma Xiao smiled and said, "Little Chichi, you don't understand women's thoughts, right? Let me tell you, as long as Xiao Congcong's heart is on you, she will find a way to come back, don't worry Come on! Come on, don't be so sad, and go back to the house!"

Xiao Chifeng sighed softly and went back to his room.

He felt that he couldn't passively wait for Congcong to come back, he had to go find her.

(End of this chapter)

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