Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 397 You Are My Only Relative

Chapter 397 You Are My Only Relative

Shen Qingcong was not afraid of him, but nodded honestly, "Yes! Father of the Palace Master, you didn't even ask me or say hello to them, and just took me away with such a cold face, isn't that true? Isn't it forced? Chi, grandpa and grandma will all worry about me!"

Si Kouyu looked at her sadly and asked, "You are blaming me for not fulfilling your father's responsibilities and taking good care of you these years, so are you angry with me?"

Shen Qingcong smiled lightly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, "In the past years, I only knew that my father was Shen Daqiang, and since my mother died, he never loved me again, never thought He asked me what I wanted, and left me in the care of A Chi, and then left me alone."

"I used to wonder why my own father treated me so badly? Later, I didn't know the truth until Shen Daqiang died and found his mother's belongings in his collection. To be honest, I also I never expected to meet you one day..."

Hearing her last words, Lord Hall Master felt that his heart was hit again!
Only then did he realize how much damage his own father's absence had caused to his daughter!

He felt sorry, guilty, and remorseful in his heart, and wanted to slap himself a few times.

If he could have done more research, found Yan'er, and asked her personally, maybe his precious daughter would not have been living in the mortal world, let alone suffer so much in the mortal world.

It's all his fault!His fault!
Thinking of this, Si Kouyu couldn't help but turn red, and said to Shen Qingcong with a choked voice, "I'm sorry! Congcong, this is all my fault. I found your mother at that time, but I saw her belly was big, and she was with Shen Daqiang. She seemed to be in a good relationship, and she smiled happily. I mistakenly thought that the child belonged to Shen Daqiang. I thought that as long as she could be happy, I didn't bother her, and turned back to the mountain directly. But I never expected , The child in her belly is actually mine! It's all the father's fault, the father should die, damn, damn..."

At the end of Si Kou Yu's speech, he slapped himself three times in a row.

Shen Qingcong looked at him in shock, looking at his handsome face like a crown of jade, it became red and swollen in the blink of an eye, instantly destroying the beauty of this handsome man.

Looking at his red and swollen face, Shen Qingcong felt sorry for him, but she was too embarrassed to comfort him, so she could only say to him, "Papa Master, I am living a very happy life now, and I have never blamed you. When I read the mother's diary, I just have some questions in my heart. Since you said, you don't know that the child in the mother's womb is yours, then many questions will be answered. Don't pay too much attention to it. I won't blame you Yes, really! I won't blame you!"

Si Kouyu shook his head in pain, "Even if you don't blame me, I can't forgive myself. Congcong, please, please give me a chance to make up for what I owe you, okay? "

Seeing his pleading eyes, Shen Qingcong couldn't bear to refuse, so she nodded, "Okay! As long as you treat me well in the future, pet me and love me, I will recognize you as a father."

Si Kou Yu said excitedly, "I will treat you well, Cong Cong, I will definitely treat you well, you are my only family member in this world, the only one!"

(End of this chapter)

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