Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 398 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 1

Chapter 398 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 1

Shen Qingcong looked at him in surprise, and asked distressedly, "Papa Master, can you tell me about your childhood?"

Si Kou Yu nodded, and pulled her to sit down on the brocade couch next to him, letting her lean on comfortably, and then he slowly told her his story.

Si Kou Yu was born in 1668, during the reign of Emperor Kangdi of the Qing Dynasty.

He was born into a scholarly family with a good family background, and he was the eldest son of the eldest son. Since childhood, his father was loving and his mother loved him, he was well-clothed and well-fed, and there were many servants. He only needed to read sage books with all his heart.

Si Kou Yu has been very good-looking since he was a child. He began to take part in scientific examinations at the age of 15, and finally won three yuan in a row. He became famous, but he also caused a huge disaster.

After he became a Jinshi, he was spotted by Princess Wen Qian at the emperor's palace banquet. Princess Wen Qian was overwhelmed by his appearance and talent, and directly begged her father to choose him as her son-in-law.

When Si Kou Yu saw that Princess Wen Qian was ordinary in appearance, after inquiring, he heard that this Princess Wen Qian was domineering, perverted, and loved to kill. I don't know how many innocent people and court ladies were killed or injured by her hands.

How could Si Kou Yu, who had always been noble, be willing to marry such a woman?
Therefore, when Emperor Kang asked him, would you like to marry Princess Wen Qian, Si Kou Yu refused Kang Emperor without hesitation on the grounds that he already had a fiancée in his family.

It is conceivable what consequences his refusal will bring to him.

When the murderous Princess Wen Qian heard the bad news, she was furious, and went to Si Kou Yu with a murderous look on her face, and threatened him one last time, "Si Kou Yu, you really don't want to marry this princess? You want your Si Kou family to be wiped out, so you don't want to marry this princess?"

At that time, the young and vigorous Si Kou Yu thought that the unruly princess was just talking, so she still rejected her forcefully, "I'm sorry! Thank you, Princess, for your great love for me. I have already engaged a fiancee at home, and I will soon have a fiancée." Go home and get married, please forgive me for not being able to accept the princess' affection, there are many good men in the world, I believe that the princess will definitely find another good son-in-law."

Princess Wen Qian was so angry that she immediately pulled out her whip, and beat Si Kou Yu, who was still a scholar at the time and had no strength to restrain a chicken, so badly wounded that he almost died on the spot.

But Si Kou Yu was also stubborn, even if he was about to be beaten to death by her, he still gritted his teeth and refused to back down or compromise.

He didn't have a chance to survive until Kangdi came to save him after hearing the news.

Princess Wenxi was punished by Kangdi with a salary, and she was confined in the princess courtyard and was not allowed to go out.

In order to appease Si Kou Yu, Emperor Kang gave Si Kou Yu a lot of tonics, and then ordered him to return to his hometown and directly serve as the county magistrate of his hometown.

Si Kou Yu thought that this should be the end of the matter.

How would he know that even greater disasters for him and the Si Kou family were yet to come.

Three months later.

A group of masked men in black broke into Si Kou's house, and started a bloody and ruthless killing.

There are 66 people in Si Kou's family. Except for Si Kou Yu who was beaten unconscious by a man in black and took him away, the other 65 people, including old and young, women and children, and even the youngest one-month-old baby, they did not let go. , all killed.

Si Kou's family was wiped out, blood flowed like a river, and the mourning was loud...

When Si Kou Yu woke up from a coma, he found himself tied up with cloth strips and placed on a big bed in a gorgeous courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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