Chapter 428 Dad, You Are Shy!
Just when Shen Qingcong was about to guess, she saw Xiao Chifeng and King Dibo walking in together. She immediately left the Palace Master behind and ran towards Xiao Chifeng happily, "Achi..."

As soon as Xiao Chifeng saw her running, he felt terrified. He quickly opened his hands towards her and put her firmly into his arms, then he began to reprimand her, "Why are you running? What if you fall down? "

Shen Qingcong hugged his neck, acting coquettishly like no one else, "I'm fine, don't scold me, hehehe..."

This scene of two people hugging each other intimately is obviously very warm, obviously very romantic, and obviously very pleasing to the eye, but it made our Lord Palace Master's eyes hurt from watching it, so he snorted coldly and sat down with a straight face. The deserted side.

As soon as this stinky boy came, the precious daughter directly left him as an old man and rushed over. The Lord Palace Master deeply felt that his heart had suffered another ten thousand points of damage.

Who can come to comfort him?
Leng Qingjue sat on the side, looking at Si Kou Yu who looked sullen, and couldn't help secretly laughing, "Brother Si Kou, this proverb is good, a child can't be controlled by his mother, and this daughter can't be controlled by his father when he grows up! Take a look, don't get mad at yourself!"

Si Kou Yu glared at him coldly without making a sound.

The Hall Master is so good-looking, every time he looks sullen, it will always make others feel distressed when they see it, and they want to say good things to comfort him.

Shen Qingcong, who returned to the table, saw her father's expression was not good, and then realized that her actions just now may have hurt her dear father, the master of the palace, and couldn't help feeling sorry for her father. Dad is sorry.

She and Xiao Chifeng looked at each other.

Xiao Chifeng nodded to her, motioning for her to go over and comfort the old man.

Xiao Chifeng, who had suffered the secret loss of the Lord Hall Master, now understands a truth, the father-in-law wants to please, especially a father-in-law who is as powerful as the Lord Hall Master, he needs to please him even more.

Only when his father-in-law is happy can he have a good life!

Otherwise, if the old man is unhappy and tosses him and Cong Cong every day, then how can he have a happy life to speak of.

Shen Qingcong hurried over, sat beside the Palace Master, hugged his arm, and said softly, "Thank you, Dad."

The master of the palace snorted arrogantly, "Thank me for what?"

Shen Qingcong leaned forward and kissed him, seeing that the base of the palace master's father's ears turned red, she couldn't help but giggled, "Dad, you're shy!"

The master of the palace gave her a look of helplessness and doting eyes, stretched out his hand and gently pinched her nose, "Naughty! Even your father dares to make fun of you, let's see how I will deal with you!"

Shen Qingcong hugged her father's hand and rubbed it, still coquettishly laughed, "Father, it's too late for you to hurt me, are you really willing to deal with me?"

The master of the palace looked at her smiling like a flower, how could he be so cruel to deal with her?It's just hard-talking and soft-hearted, and it's just a mouthful.

The old man had nothing to do with her, so he could only sigh softly, "You girl, stop messing around, sit down, eat obediently, eat more, look at you, I don't know how you have lived these years, you have become so thin This way..."

At the end of the palace master's words, he gave Xiao Chifeng a casual look, as if blaming him for not raising his precious daughter well.

Xiao Chifeng could only touch his nose to recognize it.

Anyway, the father-in-law ran on him, not once or twice, there may be more similar situations in the future, he has to learn to get used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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