Chapter 429 Please Hug!Please kiss!
Some people say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies.

But from Xiao Chifeng's point of view, the father-in-law and son-in-law are also natural enemies!

Otherwise, why does his father-in-law always target him?

It stands to reason that a good son-in-law like him is hard to find even with a lantern, right?
In addition to his cultivation base, he is indeed somewhat lacking, and he is indeed not as good as his old man, what is wrong with him?

Father-in-law, if you tell me, I promise to change it immediately! ! !

So, when his father-in-law doesn't reason with him, it also gives him quite a headache. He can't beat him, he can't scold him, and he seems to be wronged, so he can only secretly go to his wife for comfort, hugs, Please kiss me.

Thinking of the last point, Xiao Chifeng suddenly had an epiphany, and instead laughed.

His Xiao Congcong loves him so much, seeing that he has suffered from her father, she must also want to make up for his hurt heart, right?
If the master of the palace knew that the result of his testing him and punishing him in this way would give the dark-bellied Xiao Chifeng an opportunity to take advantage of it and ask for love from his daughter, he would definitely be so angry that he vomited blood again.

This is a typical example of policy at the top and countermeasures at the bottom!
This pair of son-in-law will really have fun fighting every day in the future, and it will be a lot of fun.

Shen Qingcong looked at the two men like fighting cocks, and couldn't help feeling helpless and funny.

Seeing that King Dibo and Prince Dibo were still standing aside, as if they didn't dare to sit without her father's order, they quickly reminded the Lord Master, "Father, that Prince Dibo is my good friend. , is also a very good partner, please let the father and son sit down, let's eat quickly! This dish is almost cold."

If she hadn't used her mental power to form an enchantment to seal these dishes, I'm afraid the aura and heat in the dishes would have gone away long ago.

When the Lord of the Palace heard what the precious daughter said, he simply signaled to King Dibo and the prince, "Come and sit down, let's eat together!"


Sure enough, as Shen Qingcong expected, King Dibo and the prince dared to come and sit down after getting permission from her father.

But they didn't dare to choose the top seat, but chose the bottom seat.

Shen Qingcong secretly laughed in her heart, when will the richest and most confident super rich king and prince in the world be so humble?
Even Prince Dibo, after knowing that Lord Hall Master is her biological father, the way he looked at her changed.

In the past, he regarded her as a peer, but now, since he knew that she was the daughter of the Lord Palace Master, and his father respected her father, of course he himself would not dare to act presumptuously in front of her, otherwise, The palace lord, who was guarded by his daughter, found out, so why not deal with him?

Looking at the scene of Xiao Chifeng's suffering just now, one can see how much the master of the palace loves his daughter.

Even a son-in-law is treated like this, let alone an outsider like him?
After the Master gave an order, everyone first raised their glasses to celebrate. The Lord simply introduced Shen Qingcong to King Dibo, "This is my daughter Si Kouyao, whose nickname is Congcong!"

When Shen Qingcong heard her father's introduction, her eyes widened instantly. When did she change her name?Why doesn't she know?
The lord of the palace seemed to know what she was thinking, gently stroked her hair, and said softly, "Yao'er, since my father recognized you, you are from our Si Kou family, so naturally you have to change your name to join us. As for the family tree, from now on you will be the sole heir of our company, Kou Yu, and everything under your father's name will belong to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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