Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 430 The Glory Brought by the Palace Lord's Papa

Chapter 430 The Glory Brought by the Palace Lord's Papa
When Shen Qingcong heard the words of the palace master's father, his eyes turned red immediately.

yes!She is going to change her name!
Shen's surname was hers after Shen Daqiang's.

This surname, for her now, it doesn't matter whether she wants it or not.

Sometimes when she thinks that she is not Shen Daqiang's flesh and blood, and that he treats her badly in one way or another later, she is also quite embarrassed with the Shen surname.

Since she is not Shen Daqiang's flesh and blood, now that the palace master's father has found her again and loves her so much, it is only natural that her palace master's father will change her name into the family tree.

Besides, the surname Si Kou is so honorable on this earth!
She also likes the name given to her by the master's father.

Si Kou Yao's word Yao means beautiful jade, which means beautiful, precious, bright and white.

Just from this name, it can be seen how much the palace master's father loves her, and regards her as the most beautiful and the most precious person!

Thinking of this, a warm current surged in Shen Qingcong's heart.

At this moment, she is like a lost child who has found her way home and her destination.

Of course, this destination is her root, not the relationship between her and Xiao Chifeng.

Shen Qingcong blinked away the mist that floated up in his eyes, and smiled coquettishly at the palace master's father, "Okay, then I will be in the light of my father, and enjoy the glory brought by my father!"

Si Kou Yu smiled and patted her head, "That's good!"

His gentle face, and the appearance of coaxing her softly when he spoke, really made King Dibo look stupid.

For so many years, he has never seen the beautiful face of the Lord Hall Master. Apart from indifference, indifference and alienation, he will have such a gentle and warm appearance now.

It is precisely because of the rare sight that King Dibo pays more and more attention to Shen Qingcong (Si Kou Yao).

(From now on, Shen Qingcong will appear under the name of Si Kouyao.)
Everyone ate the table full of delicious food in a lively manner.

After dinner, Lord Hall Master brought Leng Qingjue, Si Kou Yao, and Xiao Chifeng back to the royal suite.

After King Dibo bid farewell to the lord of the palace, he also led his son Prince Dibo back to the palace.

He repeatedly told and taught his son that he must respect Miss Si Kou, must not offend her, and must listen to her, only then will their family have the possibility to continue to develop.

It was because of the Hall Master that their family had such a prominent position in the world today.

Everything they have is actually only bright on the surface. As long as the Lord Hall Master says a word, they may be destroyed at any time.

Therefore, they will be responsible for the operation of Jueweifang in the future, and all the dividends they earn will be given to Miss Si Kou, and they will not take a cent.

As long as Lord Hall Master and Miss Si Kou agree to provide spiritual food and elixir to their family, they will have the opportunity to maintain eternal youth and longevity.

Of course, Si Kou Yao did not agree with the king's suggestion.

She told Prince Dibo that the original contract was signed according to the contract, and there is no need to change it, lest everyone think she is bullying others.

This is for a later story, and I will skip it for the time being.

Have a good night's dream and spend it peacefully.

The next day, Si Kou Yao woke up in the morning light.

Xiao Chifeng also woke up a long time ago, lying beside her, reaching out to caress her soft back, the beautiful touch of her skin always made him unable to put it down.

Seeing Si Kou Yao woke up, Xiao Chifeng kissed her lightly on the forehead, and asked with a joking smile, "Honey, should I call you Yao Yao or Cong Cong from now on?"


(End of this chapter)

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