Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 497 Counterattack, clean up the scum 2

Chapter 497 Counterattack, clean up the scum 2
At this time, Admiral Mond was watching military news with his family at home, when he suddenly felt the communicator on his wrist vibrate.

His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately raised his arms to read the message.

When you see it says "We'll be visiting your house shortly, please be ready."

Admiral Mond jumped up immediately, the Lord of the Hall actually wanted to visit his home in person?What an honor!

When Admiral Mond's wife and sons saw their father's gaffe, they quickly asked, "Father, what happened?"

Admiral Mond said to them excitedly and happily, "Hurry up, hurry up, all of you go change into decent clothes, a distinguished guest will come to our house later, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up..."

While talking, he quickly ran up to the second floor, and quickly changed into a camouflage military uniform that was convenient for fighting. Then he walked to the door and looked up at the dark sky.

He thought secretly in his heart, what is the urgent matter for the Palace Master to come here in the middle of the night?Why was there no news at all before?
However, the Lord Palace Master can think of him, which really makes him extremely happy.

He had heard before that there were twelve representatives who met the Lord Hall Master and his beloved daughter in Dibo Country, and all of them received big gifts from the Lord Hall Master. These people who didn't get a chance to party.

The Lord Hall Master usually only summons them once a year, and only this time can they receive the gift from the Lord Hall Master.

On weekdays, they just want to show their allegiance, and they have no chance to meet the Lord Hall Master.

Therefore, once the opportunity comes, they will grasp it tightly and never miss it.

It was only when Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu arrived at their home that the air speeder's invisibility was lifted.

If they are not invisible, they will be scanned by radar when they enter the national border, and they will receive a warning from the military department.

Therefore, once crossing the border, Si Kouyao will use it to make the flying car invisible, and will not reveal the flying car until it reaches the destination.

As soon as Admiral Mond saw the familiar air speeder appearing, he greeted it excitedly, and saluted towards the air speeder, "Mond sees the Lord of the Palace."

But when the door of the air speeder was opened, the one who came down was not the Palace Master.

Admiral Mond was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw that Mu Tingyu's attire was very similar to that of the Palace Master, he couldn't help asking, "Your Excellency is..."

Mu Tingyu smiled slightly at Admiral Mengde, "I am Mu Tingyu, the eldest disciple of Lord Hall Master."

The one who got out of the car was Si Kou Yao.

Seeing the similar faces of Si Kou Yao and Lord Hall Master, Admiral Meng instantly understood, and immediately said to Si Kou Yao with a smile, "Then this beautiful lady must be Lord Hall Master's beloved daughter?"

Si Kou Yao smiled slightly at Admiral Mengde, "I am Si Kou Yao, General Meng De, hello!"

Admiral Mond bowed to Si Kou Yao in a gentlemanly manner, "Mond has met Missy, and has admired Missy's reputation for a long time. It is my honor to meet Missy today. Good luck, miss, please come inside."

Si Kouyao nodded, took the flying car away, and walked into Admiral Mengde's house with Mu Tingyu.

Admiral Mond's home is a two-and-a-half-story villa building, the surrounding scenery is also very beautiful, and the security is also very strict.

(End of this chapter)

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