Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 498 Counterattack, clean up the scum 3

Chapter 498 Counterattack, clean up the scum 3
If Admiral Mond hadn't personally stood outside to meet him, I'm afraid that when Si Kouyao's flying car appeared, he would be interrogated and questioned, and might even be attacked directly.

When Admiral Mengde led Mu Tingyu and Si Kouyao into the door, General Mengde's family members were already standing at the gate to welcome them.

They looked at Mu Tingyu and Si Kouyao curiously one by one, and were overwhelmed by the outstanding appearance and temperament of their senior brothers and sisters.

Admiral Mengde also introduced his family to Mu Tingyu and Si Kouyao, "Miss, Mr. Mu, this is my wife---Helen."

"This is my eldest son - Hawking."

"This is my second son - Ricky."

"This is my third son—Hansen."

"This is my youngest daughter—Linda."

Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu greeted them with a smile, "Hello!"

Admiral Meng introduced Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu to his family in a very solemn tone, "These two are our most honored guests, this is Miss Si Kouyao, and this is Mr. Mu Tingyu, they come from the mysterious The ancient country of the East."

Admiral Mond did not inform his family of his special relationship with the Lord Hall Master, so when he introduced the identities of Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu, he did not explain otherwise.

But their family members also know from General Mond that the people of that ancient eastern country are very mysterious, and it is said that they have very powerful power and very mysterious panacea. It's not difficult.

Of course, the premise is that you can get their favor and recognition before you have the opportunity to get the gift from them.

After Si Kou Yao exchanged pleasantries with General Mond's family members, she smiled and said to General Mond, "General Mond, can we talk to you alone?"

General Mond naturally knew that Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu came here in the middle of the night, they definitely did not come to chat with him, they must have something important and need his help.

He immediately said to Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu, "Then let's go to the study to talk."

Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu said "Sorry" to his wife and children, and then went upstairs directly with General Mond.

"Two distinguished guests, please sit down!"

Si Kouyao has not taken over the position of Hall Master now, so she and Mu Tingyu sat down as guests.

Si Kouyao did not beat around the bush, and directly stated the purpose of this trip to General Mond, "General Mond, we are here this time because WS Company invited Jian Ling, a member of your super action team, to come here Kill me in order to obtain my secrets, so, this time, I am going to destroy this WS company, what do you think, General?"

General Mond exclaimed, "Are you going to destroy WS Company?"

Si Kouyao nodded solemnly, "General, I am not joking! According to the information I have investigated, this WS company is also a company full of crimes in country X. They should have been brought to justice long ago, or even destroyed. If a company like theirs exists for one day, there is no telling how many people will be victimized. They shouldn’t be able to survive in this world so arrogantly! As the supervisor of Lord Hall Master An in Country X, don’t you feel that you have failed your duty?”

Si Kou Yao's stern and questioning words made General Mond a little ashamed.

He coughed lightly and began to explain to Si Kouyao, "To tell you the truth, Miss, this WS company is a stinky and rotten bone. They have private mercenaries, smuggled weapons, trafficked people, and all kinds of powder. It is said that they do all kinds of evil, we have always wanted to eradicate them..."

(End of this chapter)

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