Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 499 Counterattack, clean up the scum 4

Chapter 499 Counterattack, clean up the scum 4
"However, the number of superpowers they have is no less than the number of superpower operations in our country..."

When Si Kou Yao heard what he said, she suddenly said, "Wait a minute! General Mond, since they have so many superpowers, why does this Warren invite Jian Ling from your superpower action team to come?" Attack me?"

General Mond sighed, "This is the shrewdness of Warren. The chairman of WS, Warren, is a very, very cunning person. It is difficult for ordinary people to catch him when he does things."

"In recent years, we have given him many blows, but we can only give him some warnings, which can't hurt his fundamentals. Afterwards, he is still at large. If we want to sanction him according to the conventional procedures, then we will completely punish him. There is no way to take him."

Si Kou Yao chuckled lightly, "Since the law can't punish him, then we will punish him! General, tell me your opinion?"

General Mond glanced at Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu, "If the opponent has fifty superpowers, can Missy and Mr. Mu be able to fight against it?"

Si Kouyao looked at Mu Tingyu...

Mu Tingyu nodded very positively, "Yes!"

General Mond clapped his hands, "Okay! If Mr. Mu and Missy have confidence, then I, Mond, would also like to help Missy. If Missy has any orders, please speak up."

Si Kouyao said to General Mond, "Thank you General for your kindness. I would like to ask, besides the Warren Building, does WS have other strongholds?"

General Mond replied, "Warren usually lives in a manor in the suburbs. He owns a lot of properties. As far as I know, he has more than 100 properties around the world..."

Si Kouyao was also secretly amazed in her heart, but on the surface, she remained calm and said to General Mond, "Do you have the information and addresses of these more than 100 properties?"

General Mond nodded and replied, "Yes! Miss, please wait a moment, I will copy it to you right away."

"Thank you!"

After a while, General Mond gave Si Kou Yao all the real estate registration information under Warren's name.

Si Kou Yao glanced at it, and it was imprinted into her brain, and then directly threw the data into the space, and asked Xiao Baiyan to scan the data into the system.

Immediately afterwards, she asked Xiao Baiyan to use the system to search for Warren's location.

As long as he has a mobile phone and a signal, Xiao Baiyan can lock him in the shortest possible time.

In less than a minute, Xiao Baiyan reported Warren's location to Si Kouyao, "Host, this Warren is now in a place called West Asia Island."

Si Kou Yao immediately ordered, "Okay, you send me the map icon immediately, and I will set off immediately."


After receiving the map icon from Xiao Baiyan, Si Kouyao stood up and said to General Mond, "General, we are going to clean up Warren now. After the matter is over, the general will be needed to help with the aftermath."

General Mond bowed to Si Kou Yao, "It's a great honor to serve Missy!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said "Thank you", then took out a bottle of health pill from the space and handed it to General Mond, "This is a health pill, eating it can keep you healthy and prolong your life."

General Mengde was overjoyed, took the elixir, and bowed to Si Kou Yao, "Thank you for the elixir, miss!"

Si Kou Yao waved at him, "Then let's go first, and we'll contact the general if we have anything to do."

"Okay, I'll be there anytime."

General Mond's family enthusiastically sent Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu out of the house, and watched them get on the flying car and fly towards the West Asian island where Warren was located with a look of envy.

 PS: It was very difficult to complete the 10th update today, woo woo woo, why is no one voting for the monthly ticket?Roll around and ask for a monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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