Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 500 Counterattack, clean up the scum 5

Chapter 500 Counterattack, clean up the scum 5
West Asia Island is a private island.

And the owner of this island is Warren.

Si Kouyao and Mu Tingyu sat in the sky car, and in less than a quarter of an hour, they had already flown over West Asia Island, floating there invisible.

Si Kouyao asked Xiao Baiyan to scan the entire island with the system.

Xiao Baiyan quickly reported to her, "There are 180 people on the island, of which 160 only have the combat power of ordinary soldiers, and the other [-] have energy-boosted combat power, so they should be superhumans. And that Wo Lun's energy bonus is the most terrifying, the host, with your current ability, is no match for him, so you have to be careful to protect yourself! According to my evaluation, your elder brother's combat power is several times stronger than Warren, it is best to let you Senior brother to deal with him."

Si Kou Yao nodded, and replied to Xiao Bai Yan with her thoughts, "I understand!"

Afterwards, she looked at Mu Tingyu, relayed to him what Xiao Baiyan said to her through sound transmission, and then asked him, "Brother, do you feel that there is something wrong down there?" ?”

Mu Tingyu shook his head, and smiled softly, "No! Junior sister, don't worry, senior brother will definitely help you get rid of that scum, you just wait here, senior brother will go down and kill him now."

Si Kou Yao immediately said, "No! I don't worry about you alone, I want to go down with you, we use the invisibility talisman, they shouldn't be able to find us."

Mu Tingyu frowned lightly, and insisted on his opinion, "Listen to me, you just wait here, and then wait for my good news."

Seeing that he was about to fly down, Si Kou Yao grabbed his hand, "Senior brother..."

Mu Tingyu reached out and stroked her head gently, and said to her like her father comforting her, "Be good, be obedient, big brother will be back soon!"

Seeing that senior brother insisted not to let her take risks, Si Kouyao told him again, "Senior brother, you must be careful!"

Mu Tingyu smiled and nodded at her, "I will be careful! I don't pay attention to these people!"

After all, he is also a monk at the golden core stage, and it is easy to deal with the people on this small island. The younger sister just doesn't know his strength, so she is so worried about him.

It seems that he has to perform well today, so that the little junior sister knows how powerful he is as a senior brother!

Si Kouyao watched Mu Tingyu fly down in the air like this, and her heart was also twisted into a ball. She was afraid that something would happen to the senior brother, and she would be too embarrassed to see her father again in the future.

She told Xiao Baiyan, "Xiao Yanyan, keep an eye on me! If something goes wrong, tell me right away, understand?"

Of course, she can also use her mental power to monitor the situation on the island, but she is afraid that her mental power is limited and will be used up too much. At that time, if it is time to fight and find that her mental power is exhausted, it will not be fun .

Therefore, she let Xiao Baiyan use the system to monitor, saving time, worry and effort.

After Mu Tingyu went down, he quickly found his goal today—Warren.

This man, who was as fat as a pig, was playing a game of undressing with two exquisite beauties with a wretched smile on his face.

When Mu Tingyu suddenly appeared in front of them out of thin air, Warren was startled and asked loudly, "Damn it, who are you? Come on! Come on!"

Mu Tingyu looked at his panic-stricken look, and smiled coldly, "Even if you yell out your throat, no one will hear you!"

 PS: If you have a monthly pass, please vote for it!I originally wanted to write one more chapter, but I have a terrible headache. I have been sick recently, so I will continue during the day. Good night, dear friends!
(End of this chapter)

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