Chapter 603
He only has such a precious daughter.

As long as she is happy, he is willing to dedicate everything to her.

Even if she wanted the moon in the sky, he would find a way to pick it off and give it to her.

But when he thought that he was about to leave her and those cute babies, the mood of the Palace Master sank again.

In his heart, there was a sudden burst of deep reluctance.

After Si Kouyao was happy, she was also like her father, thinking that her father was about to leave her and go to find her mother, she also felt very sad and reluctant to part with her.

Si Kouyao raised her eyes to look at her father, and found that her father was also looking at her with the same unwilling eyes, her eyes turned red immediately, she put down the things in her hands, and threw herself directly into her father's arms, hugging him He choked up and said, "Father, I don't want you to go..."

The master of the hall gently hugged her, gently followed her back, and sighed softly, "I don't want to part with you, but, in order to find your mother and reunite our family, I don't want to let you go." Don't go, isn't there a saying that says that today's parting is for a better reunion tomorrow."

Si Kou Yao suddenly burst into tears...

yes!Today's parting is for a better family reunion tomorrow.

So, Dad had to go, and she had to let go.

Two days later.

The Hall Master has finally left!

The old man stole away secretly, and only left a letter for Si Kouyao, asking Xiaoxin to pass it on to her.

Dad's letter was written with a calligraphy brush, with both rigidity and softness, revealing a sense of coercion.

In his letter, he wrote in an old saying: "My beloved Yaoer, father is going to find your mother, and I am very reluctant to part with you and the children, but I still have to leave. Please forgive my father for his cowardice, unwillingness, and reluctance to let go." , and didn’t dare to say goodbye to you face to face, so Dad just left this letter and asked Xiaoxin to pass it on to you. You obediently take care of the children at home, and wait for me and your mother to return, Dad will miss you! There will be a time later! My baby."

After reading the letter, Si Kouyao burst into tears again.

Her beloved father really devoted all his love to her, and made her feel the happiness and joy that she had never had before.

With her father around and someone to rely on, she felt very at ease and at ease, and she was no longer as anxious as before.

But now that her father is gone, she has to learn to be strong.

She can't let her father down, she wants to make him proud and proud of her.

Si Kouyao wiped away her tears with her hand, and encouraged herself again.

She believes that father and mother will definitely come back!
Just as her father said, she just waited obediently at home for them to come back.

The days, in Si Kou Yao's eager anticipation, passed day by day.

It's been a week and Dad hasn't come back yet.

Half a month has passed, and Dad still hasn't come back.

When Si Kouyao sent a message to her father but couldn't contact him, she finally couldn't help but leave a message to Leng Qingjue, asking him for news about her father.

Leng Qingjue told her that her father is fine, has gone to the ghost world, and is kissing her mother, and told her not to worry.

When Si Kouyao heard what Leng Qingjue said, she could only suppress her anxiety and continue to look forward to their return.

But a month has passed, and the palace lord's father still hasn't come back.

Si Kou Yao began to feel uneasy.

She left a message to Leng Qingjue again, asking him what was going on?Did something happen to dad?

(End of this chapter)

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