Chapter 604

In the deserted world of Immortals, when he saw Si Kou Yao's message, he couldn't help frowning those two beautiful eyebrows.

He tapped on the table lightly, and didn't think about it for a long time, how should he tell her about Si Kou Yu?

In the end, after much deliberation, he still felt that it would be better to hide it from her first.

Si Kouyao's current cultivation is too low, some things, even if she knows about them, she can't do anything about them, they will affect her emotions instead, and maybe she will have inner demons, and even the road of cultivating immortals will be difficult.

Leng Qingjue replied directly to Si Kouyao, "Your father is very good, but the ghost world refuses to let him go. Your father has to spend a while with Lord Yan. It is estimated that it will take three months or half a year. Don't worry. , if something happens, I will definitely tell you."

Si Kouyao had been waiting for Leng Qingjue's reply, and as soon as she received his message, she immediately replied, "Uncle Leng, can you ask Dad to send me a message and let me see him, I'm fine too." Rest assured."

Leng Qingjue hesitated for a moment before replying to her, "Okay! I'll tell him, don't worry, go to the ghost world to ask someone, that's cross-border affairs, not playing tricks, it's not that easy."

Si Kouyao replied, "I understand, Uncle Leng, I just want to know about my father. When he first left, he sent me a message every day, but after a week, I couldn't contact him anymore. That's why I'm worried about whether something will happen to him, please forgive my presumptuousness, I'm really worried about my father, so I have to disturb you."

Leng Qingjue sighed softly, he didn't blame her at all, on the contrary, he was very happy that she could think of him when she had something to do.

But her father's matter is really tricky now, and I'm afraid it won't be handled well in a while.

Leng Qingjue replied to her again, "I understand your feelings, but you really don't have to worry too much, how about this, I will try to get him to send you a message tomorrow, how about it?"

Si Kouyao was overjoyed immediately, and replied gratefully, "Thank you, Uncle Leng, thank you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Seeing her type this series of thank you, Leng Qingjue felt a little headache.

He rubbed the sore brows, and then replied to her, "You're welcome, I still have something to do here, so let's get off first, and I'll let you know if I have any news."

Si Kouyao hurriedly replied, "Okay, Uncle Leng, please, goodbye!"

After Leng Qingjue cut off the system communication with Si Kouyao, he stood up and teleported towards the other courtyard of the fairy palace.

When he arrived at the other courtyard of the fairy palace, he directly told the maid of the fairy palace that he wanted to find Princess Siluo.

After a while, Princess Siluo, who was wearing a pink fairy dress, appeared gracefully in front of him.

Princess Siluo looked at Leng Qingjue who was sitting on the chair with a serious face, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

But there was still a sweet smile on her delicate face, "Big cousin, why are you free to come to me today?"

Leng Qingjue didn't bother to deal with her, and said directly to her, "Siluo, I know you hid Ayu, this twisted melon is not sweet, after so many years, why haven't you given up yet?"

Princess Si Luo sneered when she heard that Si Kou Yu was mentioned in a deserted manner.

She guessed right, the big cousin came for Si Kou Yu again!
She smiled softly, "Big cousin, what are you talking about? Didn't you get Si Kou Yu to be an inspector in the mortal world a long time ago? I gave up on him a long time ago, and now you are looking for someone from me again , isn't this too unreasonable?"

(End of this chapter)

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