Chapter 605 Devil's Big Cousin

He looked at her coldly and determinedly.

When he kept seeing her feeling a little embarrassed, a coquettish smile suddenly appeared on his enchanting and beautiful face.

"Siluo, I know that when Ayu went to the Immortal Palace to go through the procedures to go to the ghost world, you ran into him, so you kidnapped him again. Why do you say that? If you really If you want to marry so much, you let him go, and the eldest cousin will marry you, okay?"

When Princess Siluo heard Leng Qingjue say that he married her, she shuddered.

Even if she never gets married, she will definitely not marry this devilish cousin who is willing to kill anyone.

When she was young, this big demon cousin often played tricks on her and made her cry like a father and mother. She couldn't even think about those horrible days.

If she wanted to marry him, she would have done so early on, so why wait until now?
It was because she didn't like this big demon cousin that she rejected the proposal of her father and mother and refused to marry him.

She only likes a gentle and gentle man like Si Kou Yu, who always has a warm smile on his handsome face, which makes people feel comfortable just looking at him.

When she saw Si Kou Yu for the first time, her heart moved.

Before, because she was too anxious to get Si Kou Yu, she did something that embarrassed and angered him on impulse, and she was severely punished by her father.

She also thought that after Si Kou Yu left, she would put Si Kou Yu down and stop thinking about him.

But after so many years, he seemed to have taken root in her heart. Not only did he not die, but he grew into a towering tree in her heart, which could not be pulled out.

Seeing that she has not been married for so many years, the royal father and the queen mother are also anxious.

Now as long as she is willing to marry, her father and mother will definitely not stop her.

That's why, when Si Kou Yu was going to the fairy palace to go to the ghost world, she dared to have someone plot against him again, and then sent someone to tie him up, lock him in this fairy palace, and prepare to follow him He slowly wears off his feelings.

She didn't believe that she would grind with him every day, for the rest of her life, and he could keep going.

Seeing Princess Siluo's complexion changing back and forth in a deserted manner, she didn't answer his words.

He gently threatened again, "Si Luo, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence! Then I'll go propose marriage to your father right now."

Seeing that Leng Qingjue stood up as expected, and was about to go out, Princess Siluo became anxious, she dodged and stopped in front of him, looked at Leng Qingjue angrily, and roared in a low voice, "Big cousin, don't force me Me, what do you want from me?"

Leng Qingjue lowered his handsome face, and shouted sharply, "I want to ask you what you want? Si Kou Yu doesn't want to marry you, do you have to force him to death? If I'm not wrong, his current situation It should be very bad, right?"

Princess Si Luo thought of Si Kou Yu's stubbornness. Ever since she brought him here captive, he never ate or drank or said a word to her, just confronting her coldly and ruthlessly, completely ignoring her existence.

Princess Siluo was angry and sad...

She is unwilling and unwilling to admit her failure.

Therefore, she will spend time with Si Kou Yu.

But if Si Kou Yu really wanted to fight him with death, what would she do?
Seeing the hesitation on Princess Si Luo's face, Leng Qingjue immediately slowed down and said to her, "Let me see him, I'll go talk to him, maybe I can persuade him."

 PS: Dear friends, happy winter solstice, good night, continue to ask for monthly tickets!Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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