Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 615 You Are Really a Genius!

Chapter 615 You Are Really a Genius!

Seeing her precious son flying towards her, Shen Qing shouted in fright, "Xiao Longlong, be careful..."

Si Kouyao watched Shen Qing catch her son with open arms, hugged her, and kissed her again, suddenly felt that this warm and touching scene was so familiar.

A sentence came to her mind instantly, happy families are all similar, hahaha, the interaction between Queen Qing and her son is really similar to that between her and the four treasures.

The tall, burly, wild and ruthless man stopped in front of Shen Qing.

Shen Qing introduced to everyone, "This is my lover, and his name is Long Xiao."

Long Xiao nodded indifferently to everyone, as a greeting, but didn't say a word, very cold, very cool, and very arrogant.

Seeing his indifference, Shen Qing smiled and explained to everyone apologetically, "He is not talkative, and he offended him, please forgive me."

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "It's okay."

Long Xiao just stood there steadfastly, even if he didn't say a word, he still gave off a powerful aura that was as stable as Mount Tai and ruled over the world.

Even the current Si Kou Yao can't see through Long Xiao's cultivation, which proves that he definitely possesses a powerful strength above the immortal level.

She sighed in her heart, she really deserves to be a Tyrannosaurus rex, it really is not easy!

Shen Qing introduced Si Kou Yao and the others to Long Xiao, "This is my best sister, Si Kou Yao."

Long Xiao still only nodded towards Si Kou Yao.

Si Kou Yao also smiled back at him.

Shen Qing introduced Xiao Chifeng to Long Xiao, "This is Yaoyao's lover, Xiao Chifeng."

When Long Xiao's eyes fell on Xiao Chifeng's body, he paused for a moment. Sensing a trace of dragon energy in Xiao Chifeng's body, his eyes flashed a gleam, and he suddenly said, "Have you ever drank my dragon blood? Let's discuss it when you have time." .”

Xiao Chifeng also felt the powerful energy from Long Xiao's body, which made Xiao Chifeng's fighting spirit arouse, and he immediately responded, "Okay!"

When he was on Earth, he had never encountered such a powerful opponent as Long Xiao.

The opponent is too weak, if it is crushing, it is meaningless to fight.

Only by facing a strong opponent can the potential and combat effectiveness be stimulated.

Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao came out to travel this time, hoping to find an opponent in World War I to improve their actual combat experience.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at Shen Qing's house, he found such a good opponent.

Moreover, before he could speak, he had already been asked to compete, and Xiao Chifeng instantly felt a sense of self-knowledge towards Long Xiao that a hero sees and agrees with him.

Seeing that everyone had been chatting outside for a long time, Shen Qing quickly invited Si Kou Yao and the others inside.

The decoration inside the hall is also resplendent and glittering.

Si Kouyao looked at the cool and domineering man who had been following Shen Qing all this time, and couldn't help thinking of the rumor that the dragons liked these glittering treasures the most. Could this rumor be true?
After everyone sat down in the hall, Shen Qing first asked Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao with concern, "Grandpa Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, are you tired? Do you want to take a rest first?"

Grandma Xiao smiled, "Not tired, not tired, we have rested along the way."

Shen Qing looked at Si Kouyao with admiration and said, "Yaoyao, I really envy you, you have the ability to travel between planes so quickly, I don't know when I will reach that level! You are really a genius !"

(End of this chapter)

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