Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 616 The Reunion of Father and Daughter

Chapter 616 The Reunion of Father and Daughter
Si Kouyao laughed softly, "Sister Qing, you think highly of me, I'm not a genius, but I'm lucky and have noble people to help me, so I got this ability to travel between planes. If you climb up step by step, then I am definitely not as good as you now."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Good luck is also a part of strength! No matter how many people work hard, they can't match their good luck!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "That's true."

Afterwards, Si Kouyao asked her again, "Sister Qing, you have a chance to go back this time, do you still want to go back?"

Shen Qing looked at Long Xiao, and when he saw the flash of nervousness in his eyes, Shen Qing smiled and said, "When I first arrived here, I wanted to go back, but now I can't, besides my dad, I don’t have any worries anymore, I’m used to working hard and living here for so many years, so I won’t go back.”

Si Kou Yao asked again, "Then you don't want to go back and see your father?"

Shen Qing suddenly smiled slyly, and asked her back, "Did you bring me any surprises when you came this time?"

Si Kouyao looked at this woman who smiled cunningly like a fox, and couldn't help but chuckled, "You really have a clever plan! How do you know what surprise I will bring you?"

Shen Qing laughed and said, "Because I know you well and know that you will definitely help me solve the problem."

Si Kou Yao cupped her hands, "Okay! I'm really willing to bow down to you! You guessed it right, I came here this time and indeed brought the person you want to see."

Shen Qing stood up excitedly, "What about others? What about others?"

Si Kou Yao waved her hand and said with a helpless smile, "Don't worry! I'll invite you out right away."

After Si Kouyao finished speaking, she clapped her hands lightly.

A thin and tall old man appeared in front of Shen Qing out of thin air.

As soon as Shen Qing saw the old man, she jumped up excitedly, "Dad, dad, woo woo woo, I miss you so much! I miss you so much!"

Shen Rui suddenly changed time and space, and before he could react, he was hugged by Shen Qing and burst into tears.

Hearing Shen Qing's cry, Shen Rui realized it, and hugged Shen Qing, his old face was covered with tears, "Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, is it really you? Is it you? "

Shen Qing cried and said, "It's me! Dad, it's me! I'm still alive, but my daughter is unfilial. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Seeing the scene of the reunion of father and daughter, all the people present felt sad and their eyes were wet.

Especially Si Kou Yao felt even more sad.

I don't know when will she and her father be able to get together?
She doesn't know if her father is doing well now?
Although their father and daughter had summons every now and then, Si Kouyao could clearly feel her father's depression and unhappiness.

She really wanted to help Dad break the deadlock.

But just like Uncle Leng said, if their cultivation doesn't improve, then they will only be her father's burden forever.

When Uncle Leng said this, she seemed to hear a sigh.

Perhaps, her father was trapped in the fairyland all these years, and he kept telling them to work hard, and Uncle Leng kept helping her, because her cultivation base was too low, which dragged dad down, right?
Every time Si Kouyao thought of this possibility, she felt her heart suffocate.

(End of this chapter)

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