Chapter 633
Si Kou Yao turned her head to look at the blood-handed maniac, and found that he was wearing a black brocade robe and a red-black cloak over his shoulders. He looked about 50 or [-] years old, and he had an extremely ugly and ferocious appearance. His face was fleshy, his eyes were bright red with blood-thirsty eyes, and his whole body was covered in blackness.

It can be seen from this that this blood-handed maniac must have killed many people to leave behind this indelible karma.

Such a villain, even Heavenly Dao will not keep him for too long.

Killing him alone saved countless people.

The cultivation base is in the fifth-level out-of-aperture state, which is one level higher than the fourth-level Nascent Soul state.

Compared with her, she is three steps behind, she is looking for death!

The corner of Si Kou Yao's lips curled into a sneer of disdain, "It's unlucky for you to meet me! Die!"

With a wave of both hands, Si Kou Yao cast out a spell that rained flowers all over the sky.

As far as everyone could see with their naked eyes, the bright red flowers were flying all over the sky. They looked so beautiful, so gorgeous, extremely beautiful, and breathtakingly beautiful.

And the Crazy Bloody Demon, surrounded by the rain of flowers, also smelled the strong fragrance of flowers.

He felt that the fragrance of these flowers was extremely good, and couldn't help sniffing a few more.

Afterwards, he saw very beautiful women, wearing transparent pink gauze clothes, showing off their perfect and exquisite figures, stepping on the flowers all over the ground, smiling charmingly, walking towards him , wrapped around his body.

As soon as his brain was hot, he couldn't bear the burning heat, he opened his arms and hugged those beauties and pressed them down.

The next moment, he felt a tingling pain in his brain, and the Nascent Soul in his dantian turned into ashes in an instant.

And there was that beautiful smirk on the corner of his lips.

It’s true that death is a dream!

After Si Kou Yao easily wiped out the blood-handed maniac, the Flower Rain Technique, which is most suitable for group attacks, quickly surrounded the other members of the Demon Cult.

Si Kouyao has also seen these people, and there is a dense cloud of black energy lingering around each of them, which proves that none of these people from the Demon Cult is innocent, and they are all innocent people, so she will no longer show mercy.

With her strength as an immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, killing these people is really as easy as trampling an ant to death.

Flowers rained all over the sky, and the ground was covered with the corpses of members of the Demon Cult.

When the village head Feng Bumiai and many other villagers saw that Si Kouyao was so strong, they couldn't resist the blood-handed maniac and so many congregants, but she wiped them all out with a wave of her hand.

They were really shocked!
And the spell that Si Kou Yao cast just now shocked them.

It is so beautiful to kill people!
Look at these dead demons, all of them have smiles on their faces, without a trace of ferocious death.

This fairy is really admirable!
Feng Bumiai led the villagers Qi Qi to kneel down towards Si Kouyao, "Thank you fairy for saving our village, please come into the village, and let me repay the fairy's life-saving grace."

Si Kou Yao waved his hand, "No need, I'm just passing by here, doing good deeds every day, this is also your blessing, with the blessing of heaven, you clean up the corpses of these demons, and don't leave things that shouldn't be left behind." ,Understand?"

Feng Bumiai nodded quickly, "Understood, I understand."

"Then I'm leaving. I'll see you later!" Si Kouyao said, then flashed into the space in an instant.

But Feng Bu Mie and the others were still shouting reluctantly, "Fairy, fairy, why did you just leave? We haven't thanked you yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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