Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 634 I just want to protect you!

Chapter 634 I just want to protect you!

When Si Kou Yao returned to the space, Xiao Chifeng's cold eyes were the first to greet him.

Before Si Kou Yao made a move just now, in order to avoid distraction, she put all the people on the flying car into the space.

Including our Lord Xiao Chifeng.

Obviously it was him, Xiao Chifeng, who wanted to clean up those demon cultivators by himself, but he was preempted by his beloved wife.

Moreover, after he was put into the space by his beloved wife, he still couldn't come out, and Xiao Chifeng was suffocated.

So, even if Si Kouyao is fine this time, it will be his cold face when he comes back.

Si Kouyao knew she was in the wrong, so she hurried forward and hugged him, coaxing him softly, "Oh, my husband, who made you angry again? Let me beat her for you, okay?"

Xiao Chifeng was so coaxed by her, and then looked at her bright and moving smile, his heart that had not hardened towards her softened instantly.

He stretched out his hand, gently pinched her nose, and trained her helplessly, "You! Didn't I tell you before that when there is a fight, let me go! Why are you disobedient again? Woolen cloth?"

Si Kouyao hugged him and gently rubbed against him, and said with a coquettish smile, "It's not all the same whoever takes the shot! Anyway, those garbage are not our opponents, I can wipe them out with a wave of my hand, look, How fast, I'll get in, right?"

Si Kouyao saw that his handsome face had darkened again, and quickly said, "Okay, okay, next time there is a fight, I will definitely let you go, right?"

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly, "That's about the same! And..."

Si Kou Yao blinked, and asked innocently, "Do you have any questions?"

Xiao Chifeng put forward his request along the pole, "Give me the permission to enter and exit the space, in case you are in danger outside, I can rescue you!"

When they were at home before, the two of them basically went in and out at the same time, and there were no scenes that required fighting.

But now it is different in another world, danger is always there.

Xiao Chifeng explained to her again, "It's like just now, you took me in, and I wanted to go out to help you, but I couldn't get out. Why don't you worry about you in there! Yaoyao, I said, no matter when , I hope that I can stand by your side! Even if you have such a strong strength now, I still hope that the person who guards by your side is me!"

Si Kou Yao was so moved by his words that her eyes were wet, she hugged him, and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll ask Xiao Baiyan to grant you access permissions in a while."

But when Si Kouyao gave this order to Xiao Baiyan, Xiao Baiyan said to them, "I'm sorry! Host, this system space only belongs to you, and you can't grant access to anyone else. I'm sorry!"

Si Kouyao looked at Xiao Chifeng and said helplessly, "Look, it's not that I won't open it for you, it's that the system has such regulations, so you should give up!"

Xiao Chifeng was silent for a while.

Then he said to her, "Since the system has such a regulation, I can't force it. Then it will be like this from now on. You can take them in, but don't take me in. Even if it is dangerous, let me accompany you outside." Looking at you, this is already my minimum requirement."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay! Then we will do this from now on!"

After Xiao Chifeng finished discussing with her, Si Kouyao summoned the air speeder again, called everyone out, and flew towards the coordinates given by Xiaobenxian.

(End of this chapter)

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