Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 635 Xiao Baiyan's Peach Blossom Comes

Chapter 635 Xiao Baiyan's Peach Blossom Comes
Seeking Immortal Kingdom, Lingxiao Sword Sect.

At this time, the "little stupid fairy" Murong Haitang, who was wearing a white embroidered purple-bordered treasure dress, was standing quietly at the gate of the mountain with her disciples, waiting to welcome the distinguished guests.

It's been waiting for a long time, but they still haven't seen Si Kouyao and the others. Murong Haitang and her disciples are a little anxious.

After all, those disciples of hers were not yet at home, so they couldn't help asking, "Master, they haven't been here for so long, will they stop coming?"

Murong Haitang immediately shook his head, "Impossible! They sent me a message not long ago, saying that they have entered our plane, and it is impossible for them not to come."

Murong Haitang had mentioned to her confidant disciples before that Si Kouyao and the others were nobles from other planes, so they should be cautious in everything and must not neglect the distinguished guests.

Her disciples all remember it, and they all look forward to seeing the nobleman from another plane, what kind of splendor will it have?

"But we've been waiting here for a long time, and they haven't come yet!"

"Maybe it was delayed on the road!"

"Oh my, look quickly, the shape of that flying car is so gorgeous, it's really beautiful!"

"My God! Master, look, it seems to be a fairy-level flying car. Whose flying car is this? It's such a big deal!"

Murong Haitang listened to the exclamation of the disciples, and laughed softly, "Stop screaming, you really have lost me! This is the honored guest we are going to welcome today! Two of them are seniors of the Earth Immortal level, and even they How old are the babies, all of whom have the strength of a seventh-order combined body, you said they have a fairy-level flying car, what is impossible?"

"Let me remind you again, all of you cheer me up in a while, don't neglect, if anyone dares to offend them, I will peel your skin and drive you out of the gate and wall, do you understand?"

All the disciples responded in unison, "Understood, master."

Si Kou Yao also spotted Murong Haitang early in the morning.

Seeing that Murong Haitang, who looks as beautiful as a fairy, does not look like a little stupid fairy, Si Kouyao couldn't help laughing.

Before the flying car landed, she also summoned the arrogant and awkward little Baiyan.

After Xiao Baiyan has a human form, he, a system elf, can freely enter and exit the space.

After the flying car slowly stopped in front of Murong Haitang, Si Kou Yao flew and teleported in front of Murong Haitang.

Si Kou Yao showed her a kind and warm smile, "Are you Haitang?"

Murong Haitang excitedly looked at the stunning Si Kou Yao, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, I am Murong Haitang, you are sister Yaoyao, right?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Yes! I am Si Kou Yao. Come, let me introduce you to the guests I brought."

Murong Haitang's heart skipped a beat, she raised her beautiful eyes and looked towards the crowd brought by Si Kou Yao.

Her gaze swept past Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Chifeng, Wei Bao, Ye Tianling, Huo Zhiyuan and others one by one.

Finally, she fixed her eyes on Xiao Bai Yan who was looking at her obsessively, her pretty face flushed instantly.

The two of them video chat on the system every day, and today they finally saw his real person.

His real person is more vivid and perfect than what she saw on the video.

This impeccably perfect real body made by an immortal is really extraordinary!

If he goes out like this, he will definitely fascinate many female cultivators!

(End of this chapter)

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