Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 637 The Shocking 4 Little Geniuses

Chapter 637 The Shocking Four Little Geniuses
The group of them walked up the mountain while looking at the scenery.

He had just climbed halfway up the mountain, when he saw a group of male and female monks who were obviously well-cultivated on the opposite side, rushing down in a hurry.

Si Kouyao thought they had something urgent to go out, and was about to ask others to make way for them, when they all stopped in front of her, with respectful smiles on their faces.

Si Kouyao felt a little strange, not knowing who these visitors were, so she turned her questioning gaze to Murong Haitang.

Murong Haitang received her gaze, and quickly introduced it to Si Kouyao, "This is the real master of our Lingxiao Sword Sect——the real Xuanlei."

"This is the Second Elder --- Daoist Ji Lei."

"This is the third elder --- Daoist Fenglei."

"This is the Fourth Elder---Reverend Yulei."

After Murong Haitang introduced them to Si Kou Yao, she then introduced Si Kou Yao to the head master and several elders, "This is the master of the Si Kou Palace from another plane——Senior Si Kou Yao from Earth Wonderland."

"This is the husband of Senior Si Kou who is also in the fairyland—Senior Xiao Chifeng."

"And these super young geniuses who look exactly the same and have a fit state are the precious sons of Senior Si Kou."

Murong Haitang didn't introduce the others in detail because their status was slightly lower in front of the sect master and elders.

Master Xuan Lei and several elders were secretly shocked after hearing the introduction.

Just now they sensed the arrival of two mighty beings whose breath was so strong that they were frightened, but they didn't feel threatened by them, so they rushed over to pay a visit.

At this time, after listening to Murong Haitang's introduction, they heard that they were actually powerful beings from another plane.

What's more, not only their husband and wife are rare in the fairyland, but even their four sons, who are only a few years old, have already surpassed their cultivation of the seventh-order combined state, which really shocked them!
How does this make them live?
What they were even more curious about was how did these people cultivate?
No matter how shocked and curious they were in their hearts, they still respectfully stepped forward to meet Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng.

Even a few little ones, because their cultivation base was too amazing, even overwhelmed several old men who had cultivated for tens of hundreds of years. In the face of the rule of "the strong are respected" in the plane of immortality, the four The little ones were also respected and greeted by them.

But people like Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao who look like mortals at first glance, or juniors like Wei Bao and Ye Tianling whose cultivation base is relatively low compared to them, they will not deliberately go forward to say hello.

The head of Xuanlei respectfully led them in front, "Seniors, friends, please follow us to the main hall to serve tea!"

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng also stretched out their hands slightly, "Please, Master Master!"

Murong Haitang showed a helpless expression towards Si Kou Yao.

She knew that Si Kou Yao and the others had come to visit her specially, and they didn't want to alarm other people.

But who would have imagined that the head master and the elders would be so enthusiastic that they even came to welcome them in person.

You are too embarrassed to refuse someone who greets you so warmly, right?
When the disciples of the Ling Xiao Sword Sect saw the Master Master, several elders, and Murong Haitang coming out to greet the guests in person, they all made curious guesses.

Who are these guests?

They actually let so many high-level members of the faction come out to greet them?

You don't need to think about it, they must be very honorable, right?
 PS: Dear friends, good night!It's the end of the month, dear friends who have a monthly pass, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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