Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 638 Huge business opportunity

Chapter 638 Huge business opportunity

Master Xuan Lei enthusiastically welcomed Si Kou Yao and the others into the main hall and sat down.

The number one sect like the Lingxiao Sword Sect is also very particular about entertaining guests.

Generally, only the most distinguished guests will be received here in the Main Hall.

Guests with a slightly lower status are only worthy of sitting in the side hall.

Master Xuanlei really valued and respected Si Kouyao and the others, and he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest.

After everyone sat down, Master Xuanlei looked at Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao, and then cautiously smiled and probed, "I don't know if the two seniors came across the border. What's the matter? Do you need our help?"

Si Kouyao smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing important. We came here to practice and met Fairy Haitang by accident. I felt that the two of us were very close, so I took the liberty of accepting Haitang's invitation and came to Haitang's place to be a special guest. .”

This is the excuse that Si Kou Yao made up.

As long as it involves system communication, she and Murong Haitang have a very tacit understanding, and will never leak anything about the system, even if there is a slight difference, no one will notice.

No matter which world it is in, such killings and seizing treasures are prohibited repeatedly.

Once it is known that they are all carrying treasures, even if those people can't beat them alone, they will unite many people to kill them until they are eliminated.

Although they all know that the plane system will choose the owner independently, and they can't get it by killing them.

But others don't know this!

Those villains only thought that as long as they killed them, they could get this treasure.

For their own safety, they must not reveal the existence of the system space except for their closest relatives.

Even close relatives, after entering the space, will activate the space shielding system, and after letting them go out, all information about the system will be automatically blocked, it is impossible to talk about it.

Master Xuanlei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Si Kou Yao's explanation, and said with a loud smile, "That's it! Then since the Lord Si Kou is here, let's have a good time with us. Haitang should know that there are many places It's all fun, let her take you around."

Si Kouyao hurriedly thanked, "Thank you for the kindness of the master."

Master Xuanlei laughed and said, "Senior, you are welcome. It is our blessing to be able to serve you."

Si Kouyao chatted with Master Xuan Lei for a while, and it was time for lunch.

The small kitchen dedicated to the head of the Ling Xiao Sword Sect quickly cooked three delicious dishes for the three tables.

Daoist Xuanlei and several elders personally accompanied Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng and others.

Murong Haitang and Si Kouyao were helpless, they didn't want to make it like this.

It was really tiring for everyone to deal with it in vain.

So, after lunch, Si Kou Yao tactfully proposed that they were going to Murong Haitang's cave.

Master Xuan Lei didn't dare to force them to stay, so he had to let them go.

Later, he quietly sent a message to Murong Haitang, telling her to entertain Si Kouyao and others well.

It would be best to ask Si Kouyao the secret of their upgrade, or what treasures Si Kouyao and the others have that can be traded with them. It would be best if everyone can help each other and win together.

Murong Haitang readily agreed.

Si Kouyao came here in person, which means to investigate, right?

This huge business opportunity with unlimited potential, even if Master Xuan Lei did not confess to her, Murong Haitang would never let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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