Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 642 It's Not Easy To Marry

Chapter 642 It's Not Easy To Marry

Murong Haitang got angry when she saw her loving grandfather, and quickly explained, "Grandpa, I don't want to abandon my family and relatives. At most, I just married a little farther away. Can't I come back when I have free time?"

Grandpa Murong looked at her anxious face, and snorted angrily, "You're saying that now, but when you really get married, it's up to you to decide!"

Murong Haitang hastily defended Bai Yan, "No, Bai Yan is not such a person. He treats me very well, really very well. All these years, he has been secretly pointing and helping me, so I can improve so much. Fast."

When Grandpa Murong saw that he couldn't talk to her, he simply said directly, "Anyway, I don't agree with this marriage! If you insist on following him, don't recognize me as a grandfather!"

Murong Haitang was shocked instantly, "Grandpa..."

In the past, when she was in the most difficult time, it was her grandfather who comforted her and supported her.

But now, when she was living a good life, grandpa stopped her from finding her own happiness.

Is his old man doing it for her good?Or is it to keep her, so as to protect the Murong family and save face for the Murong family?

Murong Haitang was a little dazed, and walked out of the gate in a daze.

After walking a few steps, I heard a soft shout from behind, "Haitang, wait for me."

Murong Haitang turned her head and saw that it was her own sister Murong Baihe.

Murong Baihe is also very beautiful, just like her name, as elegant and moving as a lily.

In the past, when Murong Begonia hadn't bloomed, Murong Baihe was the pride of the whole family, who couldn't give a thumbs up!
When outsiders bullied Murong Haitang, she would fight those people away and protect her sister.

But later, with the sudden rise of Murong Haitang, Murong Baihe became Murong Haitang's foil.

But she didn't seem to care at all, her attitude towards Murong Haitang was always lukewarm, she didn't dislike her, and she would help if she could.

Even if Murong Haitang rises up, she still won't curry favor with her or beg her.

Murong Haitang has a good impression of this sister and that elder brother, but she doesn't have the kind of affection that is so close that I can die for you.

Murong Haitang stopped, watched her sister walking towards her, and asked softly, "Sister, are you back too?"

Murong Baihe nodded, and pointed to the nearby teahouse, "Shall we go up and have a seat?"

Murong Haitang nodded, "Good!"

Standing together, the two sisters are the most dazzling combination, causing waves of discussion among the people around them.

"Look, the two fairies from Murong's family have come out, they look really good-looking!"

"Yes! If only I could be as good-looking as them, then I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to get married."

"Hahaha, you have a good idea. Fairies like them are the ones that everyone wants to marry. Can you compare with them? Let's be more realistic, girl, don't think too much!"

The two sisters listened to these discussions, but walked into the teahouse as if they didn't hear them.

Seeing that it was the two young ladies from Murong's family, the shopkeeper of the teahouse enthusiastically rushed over and welcomed them in.

Murong Baihe directly asked the shopkeeper to take her to the Tianzihao private room upstairs.

Murong Haitang went in and took a look, and found that apart from her elder brother, there were actually other men present.

And this man even went to their house to propose marriage.

Murong Haitang's heart sank instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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