Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 643 An Ugly Duckling Can Become a Swan

Chapter 643 An Ugly Duckling Can Become a Swan
What if she still doesn't know what her brother and sister are doing?That would be stupid!
Murong Haitang instantly turned cold, turned around and walked out the door.

Murong Baihe quickly grabbed her arm, and said to her through voice transmission, "Haitang, we are all for your own good. What's wrong with Bei Chenguang? You are so infatuated and willing to pay for you, why do you dislike him so much?"

Murong Haitang turned her head abruptly, looked at the embarrassing elder brother, and the anxious man Bei Chenguang with a handsome face, and finally cast a cold look at her sister next to her, and said coldly, "You all want You know why I don't want to see Young Master Beichen, right? Good! Good, then I'll tell you why!"

"When I was an ugly girl and good-for-nothing, it was Mr. Beichen who you said was infatuated with me. He brought a group of people to laugh at me on the street, saying that I like Fengzige. That's what a toad wants to eat." Swan meat, and said that a toad like me should stay in the stinky ditch, and don't come out and dirty their eyes!"

After finishing speaking, the corners of Murong Haitang's lips curled up into a mocking smile, and he left without looking back.

The three people in the room were left behind, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Bei Chenguang sighed with a wry smile, "It turns out that she didn't like me because of this. Hehe, it's really retribution! We were young and frivolous at the time, with no virtue in our mouths, willful actions, and whatever we wanted to do. What are you doing, taking pleasure in making fun of and oppressing others, how could you have imagined that the ugly duckling back then would one day turn into a swan, and, moreover, become my favorite swan. "

Murong Fenghua reached out and patted his friend's shoulder, persuading him, "Bei Chen, just give up. My third sister suffered a lot when she was young. She is very stubborn. She won't change what she decides. Since she has already Having said that, it means that she is very concerned about the past, and she will not have anything to do with any of you."

Bei Chenguang smiled, and said noncommittally, "Let's not talk about that, since we are out today, let's eat something!"

But Murong Baihe said, "You guys eat, I still have something to do, I have to go back to the door first."

Bei Chenguang didn't stop her, just said with a smile, "Then there will be a period later."

Murong Fenghua also told her, "Be careful on the road!"

Murong Baihe said coldly, "I know, I'm leaving."

She went out of the gate of the teahouse, and used her mental strength to look around, but she didn't find Murong Haitang's aura again.

After thinking about it, she summoned the flying sword and flew back towards the Lingxiao Sword Sect.

She also wanted to talk to Murong Haitang again.

When she found Murong Haitang's cave, she saw a scene that shocked her.

Her good sister was nestled in the arms of a handsome man, with a sweet smile on her face.

She was sure that this man was not from their Ling Xiao Sword Sect.

Murong Baihe thought of the rumors in the door today, saying that a group of very distinguished guests came, and the real head and several elders went out to welcome them in person.

Could this man be one of these distinguished guests?
Murong Baihe hesitated, wondering if he should go down and disturb them.

Just when she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly heard Murong Haitang's voice transmission in her mind, "Sister, since you're here, come down and have a seat!"

(End of this chapter)

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