Chapter 656

But Liu Yanyan was already intimidated by Bai Yan's domineering and ruthless style in the first two games.

She thought, she was just a girl, she didn't want to be humiliated on stage.

So, she said very unscrupulously, "I don't think I am a match for Fellow Daoist Bai Yan, so I just admit defeat!"

If she admits defeat directly like this, at least she will lose decently, unlike the previous Bei Chenguang and Feng Zige, who not only lost a complete defeat, but also lost their reputation.

Si Kouyao and Bai Yan looked at this Liu Yanyan at the same time, and they both felt that this woman was really a little smart to make such a choice.

However, this is indeed the best result, at least there is no need to lose too ugly on stage.

With Liu Yanyan's conceding, Bei Chenming and Shi Ming who followed unexpectedly chose to concede.

Those who bet on them got angry and cursed loudly, "You cowards, you cowards, you don't even dare to fight, why do you think you will lose?"

"What the hell, I bet my treasure on you, I'm really blind!"

"Aww, my gold coins are all gone, all gone..."

"You pay for my money, pay for my money..."

As soon as Feng Zige and Liu Yanyan saw the people at the scene, they crowded towards them, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, so they sent someone to lift up Bei Chenguang, and ran away in a desperate manner.

Si Kouyao, Bai Yan, Murong Haitang and the others looked at their backs as they fled in embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing.

Want to step on them?

You have to be prepared to be stepped on by them!
Seeing that the sun had set and it was going to be dark soon, Si Kou Yao called the crowd, "It's getting late, let's go!"

She summoned the flying car from the space, and asked Xiao Chifeng with her mental strength, "Ah Chi, how is your side? Is it over?"

Xiao Chifeng's deep and pleasant voice immediately rang in her mind, "It will be fine soon."

Si Kou Yao said again, "Then let's go pick you up now!"

"Okay, I'll be out right now."

When Xiao Chifeng came out, because he was anxious to see his beloved wife, he didn't realize that a woman bumped into him on purpose.

Xiao Chifeng bumped into her arm, and quickly apologized to her, "I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to leave, but the woman grabbed his arm and said in a delicate voice, "Young master bumped into someone, so you want to leave like this?"

Xiao Chifeng felt even more disgusted when he saw her leaning forward and seeing that heavily made-up face.

With a wave of his hand, he directly shook the woman's hand away, immediately sullen his handsome face, and said in a cold voice, "Girl, please respect yourself!"

Seeing that Xiao Chifeng didn't like her way of throwing herself into her arms, the woman admired him even more.

Ever since Xiao Chifeng entered the auction hall, she had her eyes fixed on this handsome man, and saw that he came alone without anyone else. From her experience, such a man who is alone is the most beautiful man. It's easy to hook up.

Moreover, seeing Xiao Chifeng's tall and straight figure, his resolute and ruthless face, and the smell of male hormones all over his body, she, who is a practitioner of acacia kung fu, can't wait to jump directly at him.

At this time, seeing Xiao Chifeng directly telling her to respect herself, she couldn't help flirting with Xiao Chifeng with a coquettish smile, "My lord, I'm Caixia Fairy from the Acacia School, you must have heard my name? Why don't we spend the night together?" How is the spring night?"

Xiao Chifeng was too lazy to entangle with her, just ignored her, and walked towards the gate with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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