Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 657 My body and mind belong to you!

Chapter 657 My body and mind are all yours!

Fairy Caixia was not reconciled to the fact that a good guy she had finally set her sights on slipped away like this, and hurriedly chased after her, "Young Master, Young Master, wait for me..."

Si Kouyao was driving the flying car, and when she arrived at the trading house, she saw a woman running after her husband.

Si Kou Yao suddenly became angry, and softly yelled, "Husband, why are you entangled with these shameless women, hurry up!"

Fairy Caixia raised her eyes to look at the sky, and when she saw the gorgeous flying car, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Thinking of Xiao Chifeng's generous spending of money to buy treasures at the auction before, he had more thoughts about Xiao Chifeng's certainty in his heart.

There was still a trace of greed in her eyes, and she was also full of desire to possess such a high-level fairy weapon as the flying car.

As for Si Kou Yao, she was completely ignored by this stupid woman whose mind was full of male hormones.

As soon as Xiao Chifeng heard Si Kouyao's call, it was as if he heard the sound of nature.

With a leap, he landed lightly in front of Si Kou Yao.

He was afraid that Si Kouyao would misunderstand him, so he quickly explained to her, "Yaoyao, I don't know that woman, she bumped into her on purpose like a madman, and even entangled me, I really want to slap her!"

Si Kouyao stretched out her hands, grabbed his face, pulled it to both sides, and said with a grin, "It must be because your face is too attractive that you provoked these crazy women!"

Xiao Chifeng approached her ear and whispered through voice transmission, "No matter how good this face is, it only belongs to you alone! My heart and my whole body belong to you alone!"

Si Kou Yao blushed pretty, and reached out to give him a light thump.

Inadvertently raising her eyes, Si Kou Yao's face turned redder when she saw all the people on the flying car smiling at them.

Just as the flying car was flying towards the Lingxiao Sword Sect, suddenly there were several fierce and murderous auras chasing towards them.

Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao looked at each other.

Bai Yan's voice had already rang in her mind, "Sister, these people are coming after us, you should put grandpa and grandma into the space first!"

"it is good!"

Si Kouyao immediately said to Old Master Xiao and Grandma Xiao, "Our troubles are coming again, Grandpa, Grandma, and Lin Xia, please go and hide in the space first."

Grandma Xiao said with a guilty expression, "We really shouldn't have followed. We've always dragged you down along the way!"

Si Kouyao hurriedly comforted her old man, "Grandma, don't say that. I don't think so. As long as you two are always happy, then our trip will be worth it."

Old Man Xiao also tugged at Grandma Xiao's hand, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, Yaoyao, please send us in!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Si Kou Yao sent them into the space, those who rushed towards them surrounded them.

On the current flying car, there are only Xiao Chifeng, Si Kou Yao, Bai Yan, Fairy Haitang, the four little babies, and Ye Tianling and their four big disciples.

Even Wei Bao, Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Bobi, and Xiao Jinlai, three children with relatively low cultivation levels, were sent into the space by her.

Si Kouyao also asked Bai Yan to open the video in the space for them, even if they were in the space, they could still see what happened outside.

The people who came to the other party were all monks in the Nascent Soul Realm. This kind of battle is still very scary, and innocent people may be injured in a minute.

(End of this chapter)

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