Chapter 676
The setting sun shone on everyone's faces, covering the smiling faces with a layer of faint golden light, reflecting them as brilliantly as sunflowers.

A group of people walked into the hall talking and laughing, and Uncle Xu's family hurriedly got to work.

Ye Liu brought them hot water to wash their faces, Xu Bo brewed a pot of spiritual tea to relieve their fatigue, and Sun Ma served them homemade snacks.

She also smiled and said to Si Kouyao, "Young Madam, don't call ahead if you want to come back, otherwise, I can make more food for you."

Si Kouyao smiled, "It doesn't matter, anyway, we are not short of food, you can cook a few more dishes later, we all have a good meal together, by the way, do you still have any stock?"

Grandma Sun replied with a smile, "There are still more, there are a lot more, and I will tell Young Madam when it is almost used up."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay, then go down and get busy!"

Sun Ma said "yes" and went down to cook.

Mama Sun is the chef of the small family in the Wangfu, and Si Kouyao gave Mama Sun a small storage ring to preserve the raw materials of the food.

In this way, Si Kouyao doesn't have to worry about running out of spiritual food materials at home all day long.

As soon as Xiao Chifeng sat down, he also called President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, told them that they were back, and asked the couple to come over for dinner.

When President Xiao heard that they were back, he was very happy, and immediately responded, "Okay, okay, I'll go there with your mother after I get off work, just in time for dinner."

Xiao Chifeng responded, "Okay, then we'll have dinner after you and Mom come."

Si Kouyao was afraid that Mama Sun and Ye Liu would be overwhelmed by so many people eating, so she let go of her mental energy and looked towards the kitchen.

In the end, it turned out that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law Sun Ma and Ye Liu cooperated very well.

Ye Liu was in charge of chopping the vegetables, she brushed them very quickly, and then she arranged the chopped vegetables neatly and placed them next to Mama Sun.

Sun's mother is in charge of cooking. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cooperate very well. The whole kitchen is clean and tidy, and the cooking speed is very fast.

Si Kouyao secretly gave them a thumbs up, Xu Bo and Sun Ma's family are really good at doing things, she also likes this family very much, they are all worthy of support.

Xiao Jinlai is now 12 years old, and he has become half a child. He is not particularly handsome, but he is very clever and very lovable.

Although he is not as good as the four little ones, but among the few disciples, his performance is considered very good, and his cultivation has reached the foundation establishment stage.

For the realm of comprehension, reaching the Foundation Establishment Realm at the age of 12 can be said to be a young genius.

Dinner was ready, and the time was pointing to [-]:[-].

Mr. Xiao glanced at the time, and said to Xiao Chifeng, "You call again to remind me, why haven't you come yet?"

Just as Mr. Xiao finished speaking, Xiao Chifeng's cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was his father's phone call, Xiao Chifeng immediately picked it up, "Hi, Dad..."

But what came from the phone was not the voice of President Xiao, but the urgent and nervous voice of Xia Yue, the captain of the Royal Guard, "Prince, we encountered an ambush here at the south corner of Chang'an Avenue on our way to the small house of the Wangfu. Seriously injured, Madam is also slightly injured, please help the prince quickly!"

"What did you say?"

Xiao Chifeng stood up abruptly, a icy murderous aura flashed in his dark eyes, and the chill all over his body exploded, "Hold on, I'll be there soon!"

 PS: Ask for a monthly pass!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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