Chapter 677 Who is the murderer?

Everyone in the hall saw Xiao Chifeng's face change drastically when he answered the phone, and his whole body was showing a cold look. They all stood up nervously and asked him, "What's going on?"

"Achi, what happened?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at the nervous faces, and replied in a cold voice, "Parents and the others are under attack, Yaoyao, look at the grandparents and the others, I will go and have a look right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, no matter how his family reacted, he teleported to the scene of the accident.

Si Kouyao also immediately said to the four little babies, as well as the seven disciples Ye Tianling, Dong Xihe, Huo Zhiyuan, Tang Tiantian, Xiao Jinlai, Xiao Bobi, and Xiao Yuer, "I want to go and have a look too. You are all here to guard your home, if anyone dares to invade, shoot and kill!"

The four little babies and the seven disciples responded in unison, "Yes!"

Si Kouyao told them again, "You have to protect the old man and grandma!"

Xiao Qingzhou, the eldest among the four little ones, responded again, "Understood! Mommy, go and help Daddy!"

Si Kou Yao nodded and also teleported away.

She rushed to the scene and saw that the surrounding battle was very tragic. Some vehicles rolled over, some collided with each other, and countless members of the presidential guard fell down.

It can be seen from the tragic level of the scene that the people on the side of the presidential guard were completely tortured and killed by the other side, and there were countless casualties.

Even many passers-by were affected by the incident, fell to the ground and wailed after being injured.

Judging from the scene, Si Kouyao knew that this is definitely not something that ordinary killers can do!
Si Kou Yao carefully looked at the dead and wounded lying on the ground one by one. They were covered by layers of black air.

It turned out to be the work of evil cultivators! ! !
Who is this murderer? ? ?
It's abominable!hateful!Can kill! ! !

Si Kouyao found Xiao Chifeng, and at this time he was sending spiritual energy to President Xiao for first aid.

The president's wife, Zheng Yiling, was also in a state of distress at this time, looking at her husband with tears streaming down her face, covering her mouth and weeping.

Her whole body was also covered in blood, and she didn't know if it was hers or President Xiao's.

Si Kouyao scanned her body with mental strength, and found that she had only suffered a slight injury, not a serious injury that could endanger her life, so she felt a little more relaxed.

She looked at President Xiao's body again, and found that after Xiao Chifeng gave first aid, he was still breathing.

As long as she has a breath, she has a way to save him!
Si Kouyao read the situation on the scene, and then said to Xiao Chifeng via voice transmission, "Ah Chi, this incident was done by evil cultivators. Dad can still be saved now, but I guess it will take a while to get better after the incident. It's not as good as ours." Come one at a time and do the trick, and then lure these thieves out."

As soon as Xiao Chifeng heard Si Kouyao's voice, he looked around, saw that Si Kouyao had already walked towards him, and immediately asked through voice transmission, "Why do you just use the trick?"

Si Kouyao replied through voice transmission, "They don't want Dad to die, so let's pretend that Dad is dead, and you will take Dad's place as president first, and then we will slowly find out the murderer. I think they Being able to know Dad's whereabouts like the palm of his hand, there must be ghosts in the presidential palace."

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "You're right! Let's do it!"

After Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng calmed down, they said to him, "Then you can figure it out later, I'll go rescue the injured guards first!"

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(End of this chapter)

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