Chapter 691
But she didn't expect that these people got the news of the president's trip in order to harm him!
No, it should be said that her heart has been fascinated by money.

What is the purpose of these people spending so much money to inquire about the president?
She actually knew in her heart that this would definitely not be a good thing.

However, he deliberately didn't want to delve into it.

She never told Xia Yue about this.

It was not until the news that the president was seriously injured in the attack came out that Mei Yanan was shocked.

Later, she quickly sent a message to ask Xia Yue, how is the president doing now?

Xia Yue replied: "He was seriously injured and did not die."

Then, he never replied to the message.

That night, when Xia Yue returned home, he suddenly cornered her angrily, pointed to the sack of money and said, "You asked me about the president's trip, and it was for this money?"

It was only then that Mei Yanan knew that Xia Yue had discovered the extra money in the family early in the morning.

But Xia Yue, who was upset by the lack of money and felt extremely depressed, was also tempted by this large sum of money.

He pretended not to know about it, and wanted the large sum of money to reduce his life pressure, cure his mother's illness, and even tried to comfort himself that nothing would happen!Nothing will happen!Nothing will happen!

But it turns out that some money should not be earned by you, so you should not take it!
Otherwise, you will pay a huge price that you will regret for a lifetime!

At this time, Mei Yanan, who was accompanying her mother-in-law to the hospital, already felt a sense of panic and uneasiness that a catastrophe was imminent.

Mrs. Xia looked at her daughter-in-law's already melancholy face, which was now tainted with a layer of sorrow. She thought her daughter-in-law was worrying about her life and her illness, and felt very guilty and sad in her heart.

She gently held Mei Yanan's hand, choked up and said, "Yanan, you and Xia Yue are both good children. Because of my mother's illness, I have been running around and working hard, but I still refuse to give up on me. I am sorry for you, is it? Mom has dragged you down!"

When Mei Yanan saw Mrs. Xia talking, she wiped away her tears again.

She hurriedly cleaned up her emotions, sighed and said, "Mom, you are the mother of Xia Yue and me, and we as children have the responsibility to take good care of you. Please don't say such things. Let's hold on a little longer. When you find a kidney that matches yours, you can have surgery, and you will definitely recover."

Mrs. Xia listened to her daughter-in-law's words of encouragement and warmth, and said with emotion, "Yanan, you are such a good wife. My Xia Yue is really lucky to marry you!"

When Mei Yanan heard Mrs. Xia's praise, her heart ached.

Now she doesn't dare to think about the future, she just thinks that she can overcome the difficulties in front of her.

But she had a strong premonition that it would be difficult for her to cross this hurdle.

One wrong step, every step loses.

Some mistakes cannot be made, and once they are made, they will fall into the abyss.

While Mei Yanan was in a trance, the car finally arrived at the Imperial People's Hospital.

There are so many people coming and going in the hospital every day, and there are life and death every day.

Mei Yanan's lips curled into a sarcasm, life is nothing more than that.

Mei Yanan accompanied her mother-in-law to see the follow-up consultation, and then went to hemodialysis.

It took a while to do this, and Mei Yanan felt a little urgent to urinate, so she said to her mother-in-law, "Mom, I'll go to the bathroom and I'll be back in a while."

The old lady Xia nodded, "Go!"

When Mei Yanan walked to the door of the women's washroom, suddenly, a little girl with braided croissants rushed out of it and bumped into her body.


(End of this chapter)

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