Chapter 692 Unforgivable
Mei Yanan saw that the little girl was knocked down by her and fell to the ground. After saying "Ouch", the little girl looked like she was in pain and wanted to cry.

She quickly helped the little girl up, and looked at her worriedly, "Little friend, where did you fall? Does it hurt? Do you want Auntie to take you to the doctor?"

The little girl looked at her and said softly and obediently, "Auntie, I'm in a little pain, but it's okay, can you accompany me into the bathroom to tidy up my clothes?"

Mei Yanan met the little girl's eyes, and she felt dizzy for a moment, and her eyes were also dull for a moment.

The next moment, Mei Yanan nodded awkwardly and said, "Okay."

The little girl smiled slightly, with a hint of cunning in her eyes, she obediently took Mei Yanan's hand, opened the door of a bathroom, and pulled her in.

Then, she said to Mei Yanan, "Auntie, you should sleep for a while!"

Mei Yanan closed her eyes obediently.

This beautiful and lovely little girl is naturally dressed up as the smart second child -- Xiao Qingguo's little baby.

Their mother Si Kou Yao's best hypnotism and soul searching skills have also been passed on to their four brothers.

Among them, his hypnotism and soul search skills are the best, so just now his boss asked him to do this matter.

The second child, Xiao Qingguo, quickly released his mental power, penetrated into Mei Yanan's brain area, searched her memories of this period of time, and copied them into his mind.

Sure enough, as they expected, this Mei Yanan really has a problem!

It turned out that she was the one who betrayed Grandpa's information and caused Grandpa to be attacked and seriously injured!

No matter how much suffering there is in her family, it is a big mistake for her to achieve her goal by hurting others for her own self-interest!

Didn't they ever think about how serious the consequences of their actions would be?

This incident not only seriously injured Xiao Dingtian, the leader of the empire, but also killed more than a dozen people and injured fifty or sixty people.

And these black hands behind this tragic murder case, no matter what their reasons are, what kind of pitiful reasons they have, they will not be forgiven!
After the second child quickly intercepted Mei Yanan's memory, he erased the information about himself.

Then, he used the invisibility technique, and quickly returned to Xia's house to join his boss.

The boss Xiao Qingzhou was also a little surprised to see the second child coming back so quickly, and asked him through voice transmission, "Second child, did you find anything?"

Xiao Qingguo nodded, "It was this woman who got the news about Grandpa from Xia Yue's mouth, and then sold it to those people. Those people gave her the money."

Xiao Qingzhou immediately asked again, "Who are those people? Have you found them?"

Xiao Qingguo shook his head regretfully, "I didn't find it! I did find a phone number, but I called that number when I just got out of the hospital, and it was already empty. I can't see clearly the man behind the scenes. They paid the money in the park, and the other party specified where to put the money, and then asked Mei Yanan to go directly to get it."

Xiao Qingzhou's Xiaojun's face sank, and he frowned, "Could it be that the clue is broken here again? Second child, do you have any other options?"

Xiao Qingguo pondered for a while before saying, "Let's tell Daddy the news first! Let Daddy make the decision!"

Xiao Qingzhou was puzzled, "Why didn't you tell Mommy?"

(End of this chapter)

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