Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 759 Subduing the Thor Mercenary Group 1

Chapter 759 Subduing the Thor Mercenary Group 1
Si Kouyao smiled and asked Ma Dapao and the others, "Then have you thought about changing jobs?"

Ma Dapao and the others scrambled back, "Think about it, why haven't you thought about it?"

"But we don't have other skills, just these two skills, we can barely make ends meet."

A person with a quick mind directly asked Si Kou Yao with a smile, "Master Si Kou, if you ask me this way, do you have any good jobs there that you would like to introduce to us?"

Ma Dapao scolded lightly, "Huzi, what are you talking about?"

Si Kou Yao waved his hand at Ma Da Pao, "It's okay, what Hu Zi said is right, our branch hall of Si Kou Palace in Xunxian City has just been established, and it really needs a lot of manpower. However, you have now joined the Thunder God mercenary group, Can you leave the mercenary group?"

When it came to leaving the mercenary group, Ma Dapao and the others thought of Lei Shen, the head of the mercenary group who was generous and generous, and hesitated.

Si Kouyao looked at the embarrassment on their faces, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Do you have any difficulties?"

Ma Dapao received the eyes of his brothers asking him to stand out, so he said to Si Kouyao, "To tell you the truth, although our Thunder God mercenary group is not big, with only more than 100 people, the brothers in it are very united. It is our leader Leishen, who takes good care of the brothers in our regiment. Sometimes, he would rather be hungry than lose our food. So, if we really want to leave Leishen, we really have some feelings in our hearts. Reluctant to give up, it feels like betraying the regiment leader and the brothers in the regiment."

When Ma Dapao said this, Si Kouyao had some curiosity and interest in this regiment leader, Thor. It was not an easy task for the brothers in the regiment to think highly of him and to be so devoted to him.

Si Kouyao thought for a while, and then suddenly thought, they are going to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest to practice next time!Why not take this opportunity to hire their mercenary group, so she can see if this mercenary group is worth her promotion and investment.

After making up her mind, Si Kouyao said to Ma Dapao again, "How about this, we have a few tasks here, you go back and talk to your regiment leader, see if you want to take it?"

Ma Dapao's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously, "What mission? My lord, tell me!"

Si Kou Yao continued, "The first task is to buy spirit herbs, spirit medicines, spirit beast pills, spirit bones, etc. You should have heard that our Si Kou Temple is famous for refining weapons and alchemy, so no matter what We will accept all kinds of spirit grasses, spirit medicines and spirit beast pills."

"The second task is to live spirit beasts. Similarly, no matter what kind of spirit beasts, we will accept them."

In the process of chatting with Ma Dapao, Si Kouyao had a few more points in his blueprint for the cultivation plane.

She wants to build a garden of spiritual grass and medicine here, as well as a garden of ten thousand beasts.

As long as the origin base here is developed, it can be continuously supplied to the other side of the earth.

However, if she engages in these two industries, Haitang's sales to her will be gone. I don't know if she will have any objections?
At that time, she will find a way to compensate Haitang a little bit!Anyway, they are all on their own, and everything is easy to discuss.

Ma Dapao heard the task that Si Kouyao said. This task is very common and not very dangerous. They usually do it often, and they will definitely be able to take it!

He said to Si Kou Yao excitedly, "Master, how about this, I will send someone to invite our regiment leader over immediately, and you can talk to him in detail, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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